Merry Christmas

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It was few days before Christmas. Meaning only limited time remained before the girls would part ways to spend the holidays with their families. Just like every year, they decided to have a small party and spend the last day together before they would leave. For the past week, they worked hard to get as much work done as they could so they could enjoy their free time peacefully, not stressing about future activities.
Bora was extremely happy about it. Especially now when she could be lazing in her bed how long she wanted to. Except that wasn't quite the case.
Minji burst through the door, full of enthusiasm and smacked two pots against each other.

"Get up sleepyheads! Time to prepare everything!" she walked around the room and kept making noise.

Bora groaned in her bed and put a pillow over her head. There were sounds of protest coming up from the top bunk as well. It was Yoohyeon who was woken up by the loud noise.
Minji stopped and pouted.

"Please, guys. It's our last day."

"We will be back together after the holidays." Bora rasped out, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Well yeah, but..." Minji didn't know how to argue with that.

The brunette was right, but Minji still felt sad. She didn't like being away from the members and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with them.

"We'll be there in a second okay? Go wake up Gahyeon. I'm sure she's still asleep." Yoohyeon said in a soft tone and peeked from the top bunk.

Minji's smile immediately returned to her face and she nodded before leaving the room. Once the door closed, Bora put the pillow away and laughed.

"What's funny?" Yoohyeon questioned as she carefully climbed down the ladder.

Bora sat up in her bed and looked at her silver-haired roommate who was staring back confused.

"You're so whipped, Yoohyeon." Bora snickered and laid back down.

The younger girl stood there even more confused than before. She furrowed her eyebrows and moved towards the closet, picking out the outfit for the day.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Bora scoffed and wrapped herself in soft covers.

"That only Minji can be so dense to not see your honey dripping eyes."

Despite Bora still being a bit sleepy, she didn't miss the way Yoohyeon's cheeks gained red colour. Then she turned away, giving her some privacy to change. Even though it wasn't like either of them minded.
After Yoohyeon was done, she went to the bathroom and Bora changed clothes in the meantime. They both could hear protests coming from Handong and Gahyeon's room about waking up. Bora chuckled as she heard the youngest whining. The only ones who probably listened about waking up immediately were Siyeon and Yoohyeon. Yubin and Handong were most likely awake even before Minji popped into their rooms.

Bora fixed her new bangs and sat down on the bed, waiting for her roommate. Once Yoohyeon returned, Bora patted the spot beside herself. The silver-haired girl was indeed confused, but she followed and sat down.

"When are you going to tell her?" Bora started, eyes not leaving Yoohyeon.

"Tell what? And to who?" Yoohyeon questioned.

Bora wasn't sure whether her roommate was being serious or not. However, Bora felt like the other girl knew what she meant. Not like she had any problem with explaining it.

"Tell Minji that you've been madly in love with her for over a year now?" Bora smiled innocently as she watched Yoohyeon's cheeks turn to dark red colour.

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