The danava kept pulling with all his mightbut the prized prey was not an easy bite.
The others dropped their poles to help their friend
and at all times trying to comprehend
what was the creature that outpowered them
stirring the sea soup, creating mayhem.
I think they are manta rays, said the first
I doubt they are blue tangs, the second burst.
One said 'twas a dolphin come to catch breath
the fourth guessed a mermaid swam to her death.
The drifting tidal foam wash the foul feel
tug of war, of man and sea, in mid-meet
heats up quick, a golden gloss from the prey
puts the fishers at a loss, what to say
to their king, to their kin, 'bout what they missed
think back with regret and really be pissed
with this in mind the Asuras pulled hard
but the golden beast didn't lower its guard.
Sons of Diti were now having the edge
but the gazed critter was true to its pledge.
It fought, and fought, until it could no more
and at last, at long last, drifted ashore.
The bigger fish consumes the smaller one
and these fishes here were bigger, and won!