After the door shut and the footsteps died, I felt the urge to scream but I controlled myself. Knowing that I’d be found anyway, I locked myself in my closet and sat there without moving a muscle. It was the worst feeling I had ever had. Suddenly I heard him climbing the stairs and I did not realize I was shaking until I heard my teeth shattering. A minute later, it was very silent, I finally had the force to move my arms and open the closet door very quietly and I looked toward the room’s door. I saw the shadow of his shoes; I saw his shade standing behind the door. I looked around in the dark messy room and I noticed a baseball bar just next to me. With a horror gasp I grabbed it and rushed back to the closet. I felt a strange need to defend myself and survive so I stood there, ready, to do whatever it takes to get away from this monster. I collected myself and my thoughts, and I focused on my breathing rhythm to regain my calm. Without any warning, I heard the door open wildly. I didn’t realize how dark it was until he turned the lights on and then I saw his figure get closer to the closet. Touching anything he can get his fingers on, my books, my piano, and my bed, he was getting closer. Footsteps are getting louder and nearer. He suddenly stopped in front of the closet. I saw his arm extend toward the door knob, I held the baseball bar harder and higher, ready to hit. The knob turned and when I held my breath he opened the door.
I suddenly woke up finding myself screaming and breathing so fast. What a horrible nightmare! I had some deep breaths to calm myself a bit. I drank a glass of cold water and went back to bed. I’ll never watch horror movies before bedtime again.
Horror ... but ...
HorrorJust an idea of the perfect and most horrible ... You go and discover what ...