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Copyright © 2020 Yashna Haque. All Rights reserved

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Emma Hawthorne was a name popular to the ton for being the most agreeable bachelorette of the lot. Everyone spoke well of the timid young daughter of Viscount Hawthorne who was of marriageable age. And though her nature presented her as the most agreeable wife in society, her father's property or lack thereof did not help at all. His debt and the accumulating interest were slowly pining away at her future of finding a well-bred suitor. Yet the necessity to find a suitor was increasing by the day. Thus, even though she remained the talk of the ton for her polite nature and picturesque beauty, she was fated to have a bleak future and becoming a spinster no matter how she tried to avoid such fate.

The 19-year-old Emma had never felt such an urgency to wed. The pressure from her family was becoming heavy on her shoulders. So, this year's bath seemed like a great opportunity to catch the eye of well-off suitors. And she did her best to look more than presentable and hoped to catch they eyes of any wealthy suitor. The strenuous task of cozying up to young men of fortune left a bitter taste in her mouth but she tried to persevere nevertheless.

Though her family was ever so ready to bid her on a good price in the marriage market, no one ever bothered to ask what she thinks- if she had found someone agreeable or someone who might make her feel hopeful about marriage. Her lady's maid knew though. Martha who was nearing her 60's and had seen her grow up since childhood was more of a mother than her own ever was. Though Emma wouldn't admit to such because of the class difference, both of them had known of the fondness they shared for each other. And even if Emma never spoke of what she wanted; Martha knew that Emma had always like Earl Edward Mountbatten a bit more than the rest. Yet she had buried those feelings deep within her heart about a year ago when Lord Edward married a much more suitable woman with an incredible dowry.

The sight of Lord Edward would remind her of her feelings though. Just like now. She was standing in the far corners of the ballroom and somehow  Lord Edward had still found her as always. Maybe this has been the reason why she liked him in the first place - he always knew where to find her. Except he wasn't alone anymore. He walked up to her with his stunning wife on his arms. Lady Mountbatten's stellar smile left her awestruck. Emma curtsied in the most ladylike manner of all as always but her impeccable charms was a lost cause in this case for the man in concern was married to the love of his life- which wasn't her.

"How have you been Lord and Lady Mountbatten? It's been quite a while since we've met," asked Emma, trying not to waver.

"We're absolutely fine Lady Hawthorne. How have you been?" asked Lord Edward.

"Why, we are all very much fine my lord. You must visit sometimes. Father would be overjoyed at your presence."

"Why I thought you must be very busy with your wedding to come, no?" asked the Lady with a kind of condescending tone that left Emma feeling terribly humiliated.

Emma had always felt a subtle hatred from Lady Mountbatten as if she knew of what lied deep beneath Emma's heart. Before Emma could answer though, Lord Edward decided to cut the conversation short and asked his wife for a dance. He then looked at Emma and it was as if someone rubbed salt on her wounds of the past.

"Why I had promised my wife a long-awaited dance. So how about we speak another time Lady Hawthorne?"

"Ah yes, of course my lord," Emma said with a bitter heart but a sweeter tone and watched them leave her in her usual loneliness.

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