The little secretary

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Short story

The little secretary

by Ramazan Yahaghi

First day

It's the first day of my retirement, I go out of my house without any purposes. I close the door and sit on the steps that are in front of my house. I remember my youth days when I sat in front of my father's house and watched passers and I sometimes dazzled the sky. I dazzle the sky, now Arak is a big city and just some days the sky is blue. My neighbor's little girl comes out of their house and comes directly towards me. Her family have come here for six mouths. They are tenants at our neighbor's basement. She is six-seven years old and she is very cute, her name is Mahsa.

- Hi!

- Hi! How are you Miss Mahsa!

- Thanks a lot! Excuse me is Zohre here?

- No mum! Zohre is in her home now!

- Woe! How bad!

- Why?!

- Because there isn't any one to play with me! I got bored!

- Zohre just sometimes come our home!

- Yes! I know you are her grandfather.

And she coughs.

- Let me see you! Do you catch cold?!

- yes!

- Did you go to a doctor's office?!

- No!

I draw me to her side; I think that I have found a good interlocutor!

- Why didn't you go to doctor's office?!

- This is a secret!!

I laugh and she laughs.

- Naught children!! What is the secret?

- It is a secret anyway!

- Then tell me!

- I don't tell!

And goes bake and starts to go away.

- Where? You didn't tell your secret!

- I don't tell! I don't tell!

And she starts to run. She shouts:

- God bay!

I shake my hand and I laugh. I get up and walk to city center. I see the lift of the half-done bank tower; it is working and carry construction materials. The bank tower is longer than city structures.

Second day

I go out of my home to bay bread. Mahsa is playing in the lane, he sees me she greets me:

- Hello!

- Hello! How are you?!

She coughs.

- Thanks! I'm fine!

But you are coughing!!

- It's not important! I'm fine!

- Don't you still go to doctor's office?!

- Not yet!

She tells this with a child coyness that is meaning she is doing a very important work!

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