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1. Harry Potter fans aren’t vain and we don’t base our favourite books depending on how “hot” the vampires and werewolves are.

2. HP books are much better written and English teachers agree with this comment.

3. Stephen King hates Twilight and loves Harry Potter and we can all rely on Stephen King (Author of The Shining) to be a good critic.

4.Twilight may include beautiful romantic elements. However, Harry Potter includes many beautiful romances, lots of exhilarating adventures, action, magic…the list could go on.

5.Even Cambridge graduates enjoy Harry Potter.

6. Harry Potter has an adult version as it is aimed at a wide variety of the population. Twilight is in the teenage section & the teenage section alone.

7. Hermione and Ginny and (even) Luna are good role models for young women. Unlike Bella who falls apart after losing Edward and only gets back to normal (ish) when she meets Jacob.

8. Harry Potter has shades of grey while twilight is black and white. Explaining: Harry Potter has characters that have both a bad side and good side! Then there are people you thought were good who turned out to be bad and the people you thought were bad who turned out to be good! Those are twists and they add colour to the story. Twilight has the good vampires and the bad vampires. Not very interesting...

9. The villains are villains for a reason. They're not just bad without explanation. JKR explained Voldemort and other death eaters and showed why they went bad.

10. "A dream inspired me to write twilight."-Stephanie Meyer
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live"-Albus Dumbledore

11. Harry Potter promotes courage, the true love of friends and family and a whole LOT more! Twilight promotes pedophilia, teenage pregnancy, early marriage and suicidal thoughts after rejection.

12. Bella is disturbed when Jacob falls in love with her daughter, but managed to keep in control of herself. Jacob nicknames her 'Nessie' and she tries to kill him. Seriously there is SOMETHING wrong with her.

13. At least Albus Severus can be pronounced. How do you pronounce Renesmee?

14. In Harry Potter, once you get to a certain part of the story you can understand the picture on the cover.

15. While reading Harry Potter you can go 'Oh! So that's why it is called Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' And while reading twilight I was like 'Why the hell it is named TWILIGHT?'

16. The fact the almost every single poll between Harry Potter and Twilight ends up in HP's favour.

17. JKR created a whole new sport with its own rules, history and leagues. Stephanie Meyer just added a little thunder to baseball. This proves that JKR is SO much more creative.

18. The Death Eaters have a Dark Mark- a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. The Volturi have what? A teeny castle with beautiful, sparkly things walking around it- WOW very evil.

19. No matter who likes which character in Harry Potter, no one gets bored. I've noticed that Team Jacobs get frustrated when there is a scene of just Edward and Bella, and Team Edward just hated New Moon because it was all about Jacob. Technically, Twilight is dependent on which boy you like- Harry Potter is based on how much you like the plot.

20. When you read Harry Potter books, you can't put it down. The short but brilliantly awesome chapters force you to continue. I read twilight and got a bit 'eh' about it so I left the book and went back to it a couple of days later. This didn't happen with HP.

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