Disclaimer: I only own Blitz, Karson and any other characters that aren't recognisable. Star Wars belongs to whoever owns it.
Chapter 1
1) For your own safety, don't mess with Blitz's bow.
1a) Don't act smart and mess with my quiver or arrows either, you clones seem to forget that I'm a wolf and know each of you by smell. ~ Blitz2) No, Kix is not secretly a mad scientist who performs experiments on unsuspecting shinies during the night. Stop telling shinies that it's true!
2a) Who comes up with this stuff anyway? ~ Ashoka
2b) Well... ~ Fives
2c) FIVES! ~ Echo3) Never mess with Captain Rex's coffee, if you want to live.
3a) Ok, who did it? ~ Rex
3b) Did what? ~ Kix
3c) Someone switched his coffee to Bantha dung. ~ Anakin
3d) Eww! ~ Ashoka
3e) Oops? ~ Blitz
3f) BLITZ, YOU KARKING LITTLE SHAVIT! ~ RexBlitz hid for two standard weeks before Rex caught her, her screams were heard throughout the Resolute.
4) For the love of the Force, DO NOT mess with Tup's hair stuff! If you do, we will not feel an ounce of pity for you.
One shiny ignored this rule, he had nightmares about a hair army coming to take him away for a standard month.
A.N: So, what do you think? Should I continue? Is this terrible? Constructive criticism is appreciated, but please no flames.