Chapter 1: Meetings

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The Forgotten Crossroads were cold, dim, and bustling with infected bugs. Quirrel was navigating the area with his little friend Ghost, a fellow traveler he met at the Black Egg Temple and now travels with.

"Friend, I think we're lost." Quirrel told Ghost as he looked over to him.

Ghost pulled out his map he got from Cornifer, a travelling Cartographer, and tried to find the area they were in, but to no avail, they were in an area not listed on the map.
Ghost nodded to Quirrel, they were definitely lost.

"I guess we should keep heading forward until we find where we are."

They trotted across the bumpy stone pathways, a few Gruzzers flew into them but they were quickly put to an end, they eventually met with 2 walls, spikes cluttering them.

"I'm sure you could bounce off those walls and dodge the spikes right?"

Ghost nodded.

"Ok good."

Quirrel wall jumped across the spikes first, standing at the top giving Ghost a thumbs up.
Ghost then jumped across but a small stone on the wall broke, making him slip onto the spikes, dealing quite a bit of damage on his right leg, he managed to grab onto the top ledge pulling himself up.

"Oh my, friend are you ok?"

Ghost was laying on the floor, he hesitated, but nodded weakly.

"Your leg says otherwise, here I'll get you to a more safe area and patch you up."

Quirrel picked up Ghost and carried him to an empty area with no Gruzzers near them to interrupt, he then set him down and took out some bandages from his backpack.
Ghost kept turning his head back and forth, he did not want the bandages, but Quirrel insisted on it.

"Friend, you're limping, you need these."

Ghost turned his head.

"Please, for me."

He turned his head away again.
Eventually Ghost gave up and let Quirrel help him.

"And… all done!"

Ghosts right leg was now patched up.

"We can continue forward now hopefully, despite this place being empty I sense something is here."

Ghost got up, following Quirrel, but then as they tried leaving the area a spike wall shut on them.

"Knew it." Quirrel whispered

A roar could be heard across the other side, Quirrel looked behind him and saw a tall, grey, infected creature with long mantis-like claws and plenty of teeth, it was a Brooding Mawlek.
Quirrel got his weapon out, a sharp, long, and shiny nail, so did Ghost, his nail however was a bit broken down at the moment, he forgot to ask Quirrel if he could visit the Nailsmith to fix his nail.

The giant bug spat infection blobs at them, Quirrel and Ghost dodged them at ease, Quirrel was striking the bug, dealing decent damage, until it strikes at him with its claw. Quirrel fell backwards and rolled into the wall. Ghost was getting ready to use his desolate dive to kill the thing until something jumped in front of him and threw a shield-like weapon at the Mawlek, killing it. Ghost didn't have enough time to see what the thing was, it was already gone.

"Great work Ghost, unfortunately that mawlek has driven me tired, it's best we get to the hot spring back the other way, at least I think that's where it is."

Ghost would tell Quirrel through his hands that he didn't kill the thing, but he just went along with it and nodded. The two bugs trotted over to the hot spring and soaked into the warm water.

"Ah, so much better, that battle made me feel tense, but all that tension is slowly fading from this water."

They sat there for a while, and eventually returned to Dirtmouth, their hometown, but when they climbed out of the well they noticed a new fellow on a bench. He had dark blue armor on with a hood and a shield about the same color.

"Oh why hello there, there hasn't been any new bugs here lately so it's nice to see a new face around these parts, my name is Quirrel and-"

"Cut out the nonsense, I'm not important, I'll be heading down the well to the colosseum as soon as possible."

Rude much.

Quirrel didn't mind it though since he continued talking.

"Ahem, as I was saying I'm Quirrel and this is my friend Ghost." Ghost waved, but he didn't like this bug.

The bug sighed "My name is Tiso, but it's of no importance to you, as I said I'll be heading down as soon as you go away."

"I don't appreciate your rudeness but me and my little friend will have to deal with it since we're not leaving."

Tiso looked down at the ground annoyed, but not angry.

Tiso hesitated to speak, and then stood up. "Fight me," he said, looking back up.

"Excuse me?"

"If I win you must leave, if you win I'll do whatever you say."

Quirrel didn't like deals but he was confident in himself so he accepted the offer.


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