21- Finding Curioss

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"Hurts doesn't it?" Shelly stared at her then traced her fingers on her wound.

Needless to say, she had grown miserable seeing how much Curioss was fighting the pain.

Curioss hissed, biting down on her lips. The last thing she wanted was to give Shelly the satisfaction of seeing her at her lowest.

The last few days were terrible, she hadn't eaten since, and she felt dehydrated. She haven't been able to see a speck of sunlight, instead she was locked away in the shallow room with the chipped painting and leaking roof.

"You hit like a bitch,"--"Oh wait you are one," She snorted.

Shelly smiled and removed her fingers from her wound. "Armon," She called out.

"How bout I let a nigga do the job?"

Curioss's expression was impartial when she saw him walk in the room, standing tall as an arrogant smirk danced on his face.

Although she never saw him a day in her life she knew who he was by name.

Armon strutted towards her and held her chin, tilting her head up to face him.

"I see why Saint's crazy about you," She pulled her head back and spat on him.

His eyes turned dark and a brief chuckle escaped his lips.

"You're hurting me," She gasped out as he took her face in his hands and squeezed.

Shelly laughed and walked out of the room, she wanted to see Curioss break; she found her pain amusing.

"If I wasn't strapped to this chair, I would've fucked you up," She said and yet again he laughed at her.

He tightened his grip on her as she struggled and squirmed to get out but it was no use.

"See nah baby, you gon wanna stay strapped in for this," He smiled and carassed her face. "We 'bouta find out just how many times a person can break."

With just one look in his eyes, she told herself, "This is going to hurt when it's over."

She had begun to forget what it felt like to be without pain, When you took on a curse such as the world, you'll always have pain, She didn't realize that the weight of the world isn't just sorrow until you hold the world itself on your shoulders. It's also hatred, anger, love, joy, anxiety, and these together? You are never without pain.

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