Battle of Narnia

174 3 1

Pairing: Peter Pevensie

Written: December 21st, 2020

Posted: December 21st, 2020

Warning: Gets steamy

Word Count: 570

Summary: The Golden Age Prophecy is looming, when Four new people enter Narnia.

Summary: The Golden Age Prophecy is looming, when Four new people enter Narnia

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"I figured you'd be here." Aslan's voice sounded from behind you.

Whirling around, you were face to face with the lion that ruled Narnia. Curtsying, you greeted him.

"I have to keep practicing incase I'm needed for the next war." You stated, as you fidgeted with the edge of your corset that caused your peasant blouse underneath to cling to your body.

Aslan had found you in the Archery Arena, keeping up your skills.

"We don't have many female archers." He stated taking a few steps forwards.

You nodded.

"You've heard the rumors about the White Witch, I presume."

"Of course." You nodded as you locked gazes with him. You already knew where the conversation was going.

"And you've heard about the Golden Age Prophecy."

"I have....What can I do?"

"I need a right hand....woman."


After the Pevensie's had arrived in Narnia, everyone was on edge. Everyone was hoping this would be the time of the Golden Age Prophecy, however only you and Aslan really knew the truth.

Aslan was almost like a father to you, ever since you were a young child he had been in your life, guiding you when you needed, showing up in desperate times of need. He seemed to favor you, but neither of you wanted to discuss it.

Naturally, when the White Witch was making attempts to over throw Aslan and take over Narnia, he entrusted you to help the Pevensie's. During the time that you had been with them, you had grown close to Peter, even going as far as developing feelings for him.

Sighing, you smoothed out your dress as you sat on a bolder over looking the camp. Darkness had enveloped the lands as night began to fall. The only light, was the little light that was coming from the camp.

As you were deep in your mind, you hadn't heard Peter coming up behind you.

"Y/N?" Peter's voice echoed through your ears.

"Hi, Peter." You turned to face him, offering him a smile.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Please." You moved a little allowing him space to sit beside you.

A comfortable silence enveloped you.

"How are you, King Peter?" You asked teasing him slightly as you playfully nudged his shoulder.

He scoffed before rolling his eyes. "I'm not King yet."

You hummed in response. Before you could think about it, you placed your head on his shoulder, instantly you felt him tense underneath you.

"S-Sorry." You stuttered, as you felt a wave of nervousness wash over you.

"It's okay." He smiled. "You're beautiful." Peter whispered, as he gazed at you the camp light illuminating some areas of your face.


He placed a hand along your jaw, before he leaned in resting his forehead against yours. Your breathing became ragged as you could feel fireworks erupting in your stomach.

Leaning up, you placed your lips on his, in a chaste kiss. Pulling you back towards him, he placed a longer kiss upon your lips. The kiss was quick to become passionate as he bit your bottom lip, enticing a gasp to fall from your lips. Taking the opportunity, Peter slipped his tongue past your lips as he licked into your mouth. You both shared a soft moan at his actions. Your heart began beating rapidly.

Pulling away you rested your forehead against his as your breaths mingling.

"We...We should get back to camp." You whispered against his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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