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I already knew the premis of the question and the logic behind it would be flawed, they always are. People always bring me the questions that can't be answered by anyone else because they are flawed, some how I always know the answer.

So I was expecting the question to make no sense, what I wasn't expecting though was how the question was asked. Most people didn't understand the question they were asking. The smirk on his lips and the glint in his eye told me that not only did he undertand, he believed in it. He smiled at me and thanked me for my time and the answer when I was done then left.

He came back the next day asking another question. The whole time he smiled at me ad he asked a question that seemingly had nothing to do with anything. After I had answered his question just be fore he left he told me I was pretty and kissed my hand.

After that he comes again and again, his questions becoming steadily more absurd. Yet I answer every last single one of them even if I have to make up an answer. I don't know why but I don't want to disappoint him.

One day, after he had been doing this for several weeks now, he came in and asked me on a date. I had no clue how to answer him so I just stood there staring at him confused for a moment before he smiled, took my hand, and brought me on a date anyways.

I found myself enjoying his company and his taste as to where he took me while in that date. I got to know him better and he go to ask questions that had been on his mind since we met but he couldn't ask. When he finally took me home we decided to get together again.

Over the next few months we developed a pattern. He would come and ask me a question each day and after I was done with all my other work he would end up taking me out, or he would take me out for lunch sometimes.

Those months were pure bliss for me, yet I couldn't find an explanation logical as to why. The only differance in my life from that point and before was him, I still felt like my life was so much better.

But alsas like every thing it could not last. One day he did not come to ask a question, and later he still wasn't there. I scereced everywhere I could think for him but I could not find him.

I asked around, as to where his whereabouts might be from people who knew him well. Some did not know anything and were wondering to. But one old man, a friend of his, told me he had gone on a journey to find answers.

This confused me. What answers did he need? What questions did he have that I could not answer? Didn't he already know the answeres to those questions anyways?

Either way he was gone and there was nothing I could do. Except wait for his return, So I waited. I continued on with my life, living it as I had before I met him, waiting for what had become somewhat of a light in my dull life to come back.

After about a year of waiting it happened he came back. I was leaving my work to go home when I saw him. He was standing there waiting for me. He saw me and grinned. Before I could blink he was picking me up and spinning me around.

He kissed me, for the first time he kissed me on the lips. Before he had kissed my hand or cheek but this time he kissed me on the lips. It was the most amazing thing in the world to me. He tasted like nothing I've ever tasted before, and I never wanted to stop tasting it.

When we brake apart to breathe he puts me back on the ground. I stand there smiling with the biggest smile on my face because he's back. He gets down on one knee suddenly and asked me the biggest question of my life.

I answer with a nod and a smile, finally realizing something he knew all along. That the questions that I answered, the ones that he and other's asked were, despite what everyone else thought, logical. It was the other quesions, the one everyone else understood, that were unlogical. He had opened my eyes to a world that only we would know


Author's Note: Just a short little story about two random nameless characters and their unusual love story.

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