1st War.

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"What does it look like?! Looks like a war crime to me." Lucifer snapped, charging towards Hitmoi. Cameron stepped infront of her blocking Lucifer's path. 

"Stand down Lucifer, you've got no authority in my nation." Cameron stated firmly, but calmly. 
Lucifer went to speak again but the ruler wouldn't listen.

"I said, stand down. I will not allow you to kill her on my lands. She's innocent here."

"On your grounds, yes. As soon as she steps out of them-" The sound of horse hooves silenced everyone.

"Stand down Lucifer, there's no need for this." She had golden silky hair, riding a spotted dun horse. That was Queen Satan, she had bright blue eyes and her dark armour shined in the sun.
"Oh and while you're at it, leave Hitmoi alone." Cameron stated, Lucifer growled but agreed.
"Thank you Cameron, I hope one day my nation and yours can form some sort of alliance."
There was a moment of silence before it clicked as to what had happened, Hitmoi had betrayed Cameron and now that she was safe there was nothing anyone could do.

"Wait what, you- you traitor! I trusted you!" Cameron yelled at her as she slowly began to walk away, looking over her shoulder Hitmoi smirked before stating.

"Yes, and that was your first mistake."
Cameron's eyes narrowed as he went to step nearer Hitmoi, the Queen herself blocked his path - still on her horse.

"Hitmoi, I mean this in the nicest possible way.. You fucked up."
Queen Satan rode over to Hitmoi and offered her hand out, the dark haired traitor agreed and got onto the back of Satan's horse with her. They rode back into Satan's nation together, as Hitmoi eyed an abandoned house, it was made of stripped logs, and was a complete eye-sore.

"What is that?" Hitmoi questioned, looking like she was about to be sick.

"I'm actually not sure, it just sort of, appeared.." Queen Satan halted her horse and Hitmoi got off.

"Should I deal with it, Ma'am?" Hitmoi grinned as Satan slightly nodded her head. Hitmoi headed inside, the Queen couldn't see what she was doing until she heard a familiar hiss. Hitmoi slowly walked out of the building.

"Hey Lucifer, Heads up." She called out and he looked at her confused before the building blew up behind her, soon engulfed in flames. He laughed then went back to what he was doing.
Over the next few days, everything was a stand off. No one wanted to make the first move.
"Hitmoi, where are you going?" Lucifer questioned, as she was saddling her horse.

"Mining." Hitmoi sharply replied, locking eyes with him.

"Mhm. I don't trust you, not be to be a double agent."
Hitmoi rolled her eyes, and walked around her horse to be face to face with Lucifer.
"Then what do I need to do to prove my loyalty to the Queen's nation?" Lucifer pulled out a clothed dagger and handed it out too Hitmoi, she looked down at it then back up at him.

"Kill his horse." The dark haired girl's eyes narrowed but she took the dagger and turned on her heel, getting onto her horse she rode into the village where she knew Cameron was hiding out. It played on her heart to kill an innocent animal, yet it had too be done. Hitmoi rode into the village, there was Cameron, horse right next too him on a lead. There was an exchange of looks before he just turned and walked away. Hitmoi got off her steed and gave his horse a swift death, she felt terrible but it was done now and she took the bi-coloured horse armour as proof of the job done. 

"There." Hitmoi bluntly stated, throwing the bloody dagger onto the ground in-front of  Lucifer. She held the horse armour in her hand before silently turning on her heel. Hitmoi left the armour on her horse before turning the stallion out into a field. The next day, the dark-haired girl was enjoying her nap when Satan came running in to wake her up. 

"Hitmoi wake up! He's here!" The queen stated before running out, sleepily Hitmoi followed.

"Eh, Who? Can't Lucifer deal with it I wanna sleep!" She whined to the Queen who rolled her eyes.

"No! He left earlier, and it's Cameron. Look at this map!" Hitmoi picked up the map and looked at it rubbing her eyes, it was true, there was Cameron seemingly right next to them. 

"Oh, so you're right. Okkaaayyy, tell me where to go and look." 

"I'm going down into the mines, stay on the surface and look around, yell if you need me." 

"Got it!" Hitmoi walked Satan to the mines then turned around, she wandered over to the horse field and noticed the armour was missing. She walked out before hearing Satan yell out for her.

"Hitmoi! Have you seen him?!" 

"No! I'll keep looking though!" She replied before going into the cat café, she noticed how they were all starring at the floor and confused, she went down into the basement. Hitmoi drew her sword, as she walked on before locking eyes with Cameron. Silently she turned on her heel and went back upstairs.

"He's not in the Cat Café either!" The double agent yelled back, sheathing her sword and walking around once more.

Eventually, Satan returned to the surface and the two girls went back into the house. 

"He has to be here somewhere, did you check the basement?" Hitmoi asked as she sat down too think.

"Serveral times." Satan replied with a tired sigh, then Hitmoi looked out of the window. 

"Hang on, follow me." The duo walked outside and Hitmoi 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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