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A quiet hum to a familiar rhythm would sound above me. My eyes would be squeezed shut. Every small movement, every breath, every tick, every bit of blood being circulated in my veins, every pump of my heart a great stinging, stabbing pain would erupt all over my body.

I'd barely be able to crack an eye open to see a tall figure above me, my vision strung with red and very blurry. I could hear my breath rasping and the rattling of my filling lungs as I tried gasping for oxygen. My head was pounding and becoming light. The humming would stop and a faint "click" sound could be heard from above me before the humming started again.  I'd feel and hear my clothes, flesh, and tendons ripping, cracking of bones and I'd faint, the pain too unbearable. 

How'd this happen...?

Where am I.....?


"Stop! Please!" I'd laugh loudly, looking down at the small freak of nature below me. My leg would rear back before kicking forward straight into her gut- er, it's gut. That thing always wore some mask. I've seen it's face before though. It's eyes striped in a circling pattern. 

I'd snap back to reality when I heard a nasty but satisfying crunch from below me. One of my friends kicked it in the ribs, judging by the sound they broke it.  A high pitched squeal could be heard from the freak in response to the kick. My friends would start spitting on it and shouting slurs and such at it. 

"Get away from her!" I'd turn to look at another girl that showed up. She was maybe a bit shorter than me. I'd laugh quietly, she was a twig. In fact I remember who she is. She's this freaks friend. Kinda a shame, she is fairly cute.

"Ha! What would you do about it?" I'd sneer. Her fists would clench and one of my buddies would mock her. Suddenly there'd be a flash of movement, one of my friends on the ground with a creature ripping at him. I'd step back mortified and looked back to where the girl was seeing she wasn't there anymore. I'd look back at the creature even more horrified of my realization. It'd move on to my other friends, and I had taken off by then already. When I looked back though, I didn't see it anywhere.


I'd gasp, my body numb, I'd cough up some blood and look up at the creature just seeing it watching me.  It'd continue staring at me humming again that familiar tune. When it finished the song it'd then move now above me, opening it's jaws...



You need to attone your sins

Oh... Yeah....

I'd be walking down a hall in our school, heading out since who needed school? I'd pass the choir room on my way, the kids in there singing a song.



I don't recall the name of the song since its been many years since I was in that grade, but it was a song they'd make us sing. 

I'd continue walking until I was outside, meeting up with my buddies. We would be chatting and walking down the road until....until the freak ran into us, falling over, its mask falling off.... That's when we started bullying it.

The last thing I could hear was a sick cracking sound, and feeling warmth pooling around my face, in my ears, my eyes, my mouth and finally silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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