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Perth P.O.V

I love everything about Mark, he is just... Perfect

But he doesn't believe me, or anyone else that tries to convince him about it. It's sad that he doesn't see the things I see. And there's one more thing, I'm actually in love with him and all his little things.

I love his eyes

His smile

His laugh

Everything, even things that are not physical, like

I love when he cover his face when he's laughing

How happy he gets when he learns to play a new song on guitar

Or when he just wants to get out at night to walk and talk about life.

I want to tell him how I feel, but I have no idea how. It's 1 Am and I decide to call Plan to see if he can help me

Call on

-What the fuck do you want- That was the first thing he said as he picked up the phone

-Advice, I need to tell Mark how I feel about him

-Why don't you write a letter or a lyric?

-That sounds...good... But, where, when and how I'm gonna give him the "letter"?

-Huum... After the event, go to his room at the hotel, and give him

-Okay...- I'll be lying if i say that I'm not scared

-I'm going sleep, bye bye and good luck

-Thanks... Good night...

Call off

I stared at the ceiling, laying on my bed. I start thinking about Plan's idea, maybe I should try it, the event is in 2 days, I get up and get some paper and pens and I start writing. But I felt sleepy so I put the things beside the bed and goed sleep.

2 days after

Okay, today is the day... Am I ready? Completely not, but I'm gonna do it anyways. I was in the changing room, putting my clothes on when he enters the room, I got shy because I was without shirt, even that happened before with us, but now seems different I was avoiding looking him at the eyes

-Hey Perth- He said to me without looking at me in the eyes because he started to take his shirt off so he can change up

-H-hey...- Why did I stutter????

-Are you okay?- He looked at me, his eyes...

-Yeah...Yeah why wouldn't I?

-Don't know, you look weird today

-I'm not, your impression

-Okay so...

We ended up changing clothes and we didn't talk at the makeup room. Some minutes after we got up on stage and started performing and interacting with the fans. I couldn't stop staring at Mark, and Plan notice so he pinched my arm and give me a look of "stop", so I started to look at the ground.

3rd person P.O.V

The cast said bye to the fans, and started to get out of the stage, they all were tired, so they came back to the hotel really quick. Perth goes to his room and takes a fast shower, putting on a black shirt with clear jeans and his all star he grabs the letter and gets out of the room. With a lot anxiety he walks forward to Mark's room, standing in front of the door, he counted to 3 before knocking, giving a deep breath before, he knocked on the door, little after, Mark opens it

-Hey Perth whats u...

-Please, just read it- Perth said stretching the letter

-O-okay- Mark took the letter from Perth hands and start to read

Your eyes, your eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shinin'

Your hair, your hair

Falls perfectly without her trying

You are so beautiful and I tell you everyday

Yeah, I know, I know

When I compliment you, you won't believe me

And it's so, it's so

Sad to think that you don't see what I see

But every time you asks me, "Do I look okay?"

I hold myself to say

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are


Your lips, your lips,

I could kiss them all day if you let me

Your laugh, your laugh

You hate it but I think it's so sexy

You are so beautiful, and I tell you everyday

Oh, you know, you know

You know I'd never ask you to change

If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same

So don't even bother asking if you look okay

You know I'll say

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

Perth P.O.V

I was looking at the ground, didn't have courage to look him while he was reading, lost on my own thoughts I felt a touch on my neck, was his hand, so I look up to him

-What do you think? I like you...No I love you.... And It's okay if want to stay just friends...

He didn't answer, he was looking deep at my eyes, like he was searching for my soul, before I could call his name, he push me closer to him

-Why you didn't tell me sooner, I was waiting for you


I couldn't end the speech when he kissed me, his lips were so sweet, his hands were on my neck and waist I surrendered completely to him and his magic touch, he brought me inside the room and locked the door. From here, I think you know what happened. 

Just the way you are x PerthmarkWhere stories live. Discover now