The Christmas Tree

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The Christmas Tree

By CrazyandYourJealous.

What does Christmas mean to you?

"Daddy! Daddy!" I called out, "I found the perfect Christmas tree!"

I wanted a Christmas tree more than ever. It was my dream present... when I wanted something very badly; I called Dad 'Daddy'. He almost always gave in.

"Riley, you know the rules. No Christmas trees," he replied. He can be so frazzling sometimes.

"But Daddy!" I whined.

"Riley Elizabeth Collette! If I hear any further arguments, you will be grounded for the rest of the week!" he almost shouted. When he spoke strongly, he meant what he said. I walked away with my head hung low. I never got what I wanted in December.

I would do something about this. I would be allowed my Christmas tree; even if it meant breaking the law.

"I'm going to town!" I yelled to my dad. I started walking towards the road. We lived in a cabin in the woods outside of town. If I wanted to go to town, I walked. I'm perfectly fine with that; I stay fit, healthy, and strong; but my best friend, Colton, lived in town. That meant I had to walk to town to see him; unless I had school.

When I got to town, I went straight to Colton's house. I didn't even knock, I didn't have to; we were just that good of friends. "Colton!" I called and started for his room.

"Sup, RiRi?" Colton asked as I entered his room. He thought he was cool - he wasn't.

"My dad won't let me have a Christmas tree and I can't complain unless I want to be grounded," I told him, just because he would want to know. He really seems to know me.

"Why would you want a Christmas tree?" he asked.

"Um... tradition?" I said, it coming out as a question.

"Well, Captain 'I Don't Know the Laws Around Here', it's illegal," Colton sounded as if he knew this for years. I screamed.


"You can't be serious," I stated, trying to withhold my anger.

"Google it," Colton said flatly.

"Let me use your laptop," I challenged. That thing was like a hundred dollars to him.

He tossed it to me. I raised my eyebrows. I opened the laptop and clicked Google. I typed 'christmas tree laws in tess' and one hundred results came up. I clicked on 'Tess Town Site- Christmas in Tess'

In the small town of Tess, Balberta, there is a great Christmas tradition: Snow Festival. Snow Festival is when everybody in town...

I scrolled down.

There are only a few laws in the town of Tess that have to do with Christmas:

1) No Christmas Trees


2) No Stockings


3) All celebrations must be at the Snow Festival


4) All Silent Santa entrees must be sealed, unused, and appropriate


I clicked History under 1) No Christmas Trees. I found what I was looking for. Right there I found this:

In 1993, a small child of the age of four, was playing under the town Christmas tree and tripped. The Christmas tree fell on top of her and she was rushed to hospital. She died later from head injury. In the following two years, town council meetings were held and the decision was made. It is now a bylaw that no one is allowed Christmas trees. Mayor Mandel, the mayor at that time, made this decision for your own safety. He felt that Christmas trees were hazardous and pointless. The current mayor, Cindy-Lou Who, decided this law was completely necessary, therefore decided to keep it in place. If you have any questions about this bylaw, please contact the town office at 1 (123) 456- 7890. Thank- you for reading!

So that is why I'm not allowed my Christmas tree, because a Christmas tree fell on some four-year-old.

"Colton! We're going to the town office!" I scream downstairs, where I see Colton has migrated; probably to get something to eat. I run downstairs. Yep, I was right. Colton is in the door of the fridge, fishing out cheese and pepperoni. It must be pizza night.

"Why?" he asked, looking up from the meat drawer.

"To find out why this stupid law is still in place. I will change this town forever," I was determined.

As we went to town I was wondering how I should consult the mayor.

"Hello, I just couldn't help but notice that there has been a law that I don't like has been existent since before I was born. This hasn't happened again because the town hasn't been allowed Christmas trees. I don't like it. Can we change it?" I said in my head. It would take a lot more convincing points then that to get this mayor to change her mind.

We finally got there. I asked the lady at the front desk if I could talk to the mayor. I was told I would have to wait fifteen minutes later.

When I did get called in, I had finally decided how I would confront the mayor. Simply. Then I would go a little more deep as she refused.

"Hello, Miss Who. I have come to discuss an important bylaw with you," I said this very sophisticatedly.

"Go ahead," was Cindy-Lou's response.

"I feel that the Christmas tree bylaw is unneeded and should be lifted," I told the mayor, crossing my fingers.

"Thank goodness! I thought nobody would ask me that! I've been waiting for four years, I would've lifted it, but it's against the rules to lift a law for no reason. Of corse I had a reason, but it had to be a good reason. I am only allowed to lift laws if someone asks me to. That is, if they have to do with injury. Wanna hear a secret?" Cindy blabbered.

"Umm... Sure?" I replied.

"The Christmas tree fell on me."


Okay so I just wrote this cause I wanted to write a Christmas story before Christmas. Ps merry christmas!!!! Love all of my fans. Was this story okay? I didn't want it too dramatic, even though I'm the most dramatic person ever, so it would have been easy. Tell me what you think! I could write a holiday series! (Only if you want me to though!)

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