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So wrong this is the reason why I stopped writing II was on ticktock once and I was making a video of my cat I didn't know her tag was flipped the Room so later that day I was getting a bunch of calls and school I had to call my mom and say Hey is my cat still in the house because these people were saying Hey your cat got out in were running down my street these people were lying and said that they found me on ticktock show now I can't be on any social media except were Tumblr discord because of my friends I can be on what pad if I'm just reading um I still have a mino and that's about it that's about all I can hop I cannot uphold my YouTube channel anymore I had delete tic toc um yeah but I might start writing again because week Christmas break and all and I still have yet to finish that story please do not write any hate comments I've been feeling a bit laid down on the dumps lately because well all my friends are being dicks have mom literally say there's only 2 genders have you held heard of LGBT compute the LGBTQ B community there I can't speak I'm using text to speech right now because I am about I am not using my glasses so up yeah

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