I am sick of haunting myself from within like an old house. ANTHONY LOCKWOOD 2023 © APOLLO/LAEVINICS COVER © STAR/BAYPORTS
I am sick of haunting myself from within like an old house. ANTHONY LOCKWOOD 2023 © APOLLO/LAEVINICS COVER © STAR/BAYPORTS
EDITING, demi becoming part of lockwood & co had been a complete accident. after a bad incident at the fittes agency, she wanted to find a smaller, safer company to work for. that was not lockwood & co and yet, she ended up there anyway. no parents, just her and the two boys who were questionable roommates at best. s1...
Well, I noticed that this fandom was severely lacking in the lemon department, so I decided to fix that. You're welcome you sick fucks
It's a rare night off at Lockwood and Co. Everyone's bored out of their mind until Holly suggests they play a game of Truth or Dare. Soon tensions are high and hearts are beating fast. What secrets will be revealed during this seemingly harmless game? Read on, if you dare...
Just another crush x reader~! ~★~✩~★~ Have you ever wondered how it would feel like if your crush liked you back? Have you ever wondered how it would feel to have him break you? Or do you just want to read cute scenarios about you and your crush? Then this book is just for you~! ...
At age 6, Bakugou and Y/n make a promise to be friends forever. And at age 10 everyone gets a mark on their right wrist that indicates who their soulmate is. What happens when Y/n goes missing? And when Bakugou mistakes who his soulmate is and jeopardizes his relationship with his real soulmate? ⚠️ warning ⚠️ there is...
Každý má nějaké tajemství; malé, velké, absurdní, tíživé... K malým tajnostem devatenáctileté Rosemary Walkerové patří její poměrně netradiční rituál: každou půlnoc pije kávu. Už několik let je jejím společníkem, na kterého nedá dopustit - zatímco ve dne povzbuzuje, v noci uspává. ...
Maya se po 15 letech přestěhovala zpátky do Forks,to však netušila,že se vše obrátí vzhůru nohama,když potká kluka,který jí změní život.
Šestá světová válka je v plném proudu. Země je zpustošená a půda je nasáklá krví. Kdesi v osamocené laboratoři byla vyvinuta nová zbraň. Inteligentní zvířata schopná boje ve válkách místo už teď řídké populace lidí. Ještěři. Jednotky těchto mohutných monster se rvou v nehostinných pustinách zatímco ti lidé, kterým se...