Daily Quotes
Read the title, it's exactly what it sounds like! I hope the quotes inspire you! 🤍 Remember, you are awesome!
Read the title, it's exactly what it sounds like! I hope the quotes inspire you! 🤍 Remember, you are awesome!
Join me as I explain the many wonders of Tamriel, from small details in the races, to large betrayals and continental mysteries. Whether you're a new player, or a long time lover of The Elder Scrolls, I assure you, you will learn something new.
Once, all animals on planet Animalia were living in harmony. But, none of them were as they were on planet earth. Every cat, fox, or any mammal had human intellect and thoughts. Otters wove silk. No wars erupted into play. The elements ruled all and the kingdoms were kept safe. Ferrets played music to entertain the pu...