Sasha Banks Smuts
Title says all. Request are not taken at the moment
Once Upon A Time in New York City there lived a community of fairy tale characters known as Fabletown. The Fables who lived there arrived hundreds of years ago, after they were exiled from their Homelands. Through the use of a magic spell called Glamour, they have protected their secret community from the mundane wor...
Hello I'm Celina Brianna Colace-Garcia I'm Stephanie and Brianna's triplet ( a.k.a Nikki and Brie Bella) we 3 debuted in 2007 at WWE all of us were in shape and had the body built for it so we tried out and had trainers to help us work out, then when Nikki and Brie were debuting at there first tag team match I was bac...
She has come to the WWE to follow in her father's footsteps. But what happens when she possibly meets the man that can make her feel just as loved as her dad does. Will she accept it after everything she went through,or give up and walk away. Read and find out. Enjoy!