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  • Ė¢įµ˜āæ ~ įµ’ā±įµįµƒŹ·įµƒ
    1.5M 52.7K 32

    ā‚“Ėš. ą­­ Ėšā—‹ā—¦Ėš.Ėšā—¦ā—‹Ėš ą­§ .Ėšā‚“ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ‰įµįµ–įµ—Źø į¶œĖ”įµƒĖ¢Ė¢Ź³įµ’įµ’įµ į¶ įµ‰Ė”įµ— Ź·įµƒŹ³įµ įµƒāæįµˆ įµ–įµ‰įµƒį¶œįµ‰į¶ įµ˜Ė” Ź·Ź°ā±Ė”įµ‰ Ė¢ā±įµ—įµ—ā±āæįµ ā±āæ įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ įµƒĖ”įµ’āæįµ‰. įµ˜āæįµ—ā±Ė” įµƒ įµ‡Ź³įµ’Ź·āæ Ź°įµƒā±Ź³įµ‰įµˆ įµ‡įµ’Źø įµˆįµ‰į¶œā±įµˆįµ‰įµˆ įµ—įµ’ įµ‡įµƒŹ³įµįµ‰ ā±āæ. įµ’ā±įµįµƒŹ·įµƒ įµ—įµ’įµ’Ź³įµ˜, į¶œįµƒįµ–įµ—įµƒā±āæ įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ›įµ’Ė”Ė”įµ‰Źøįµ‡įµƒĖ”Ė” įµ—įµ‰įµƒįµ, įµƒāæįµˆ įµ–Ź³įµ‰įµ—įµ—Źø įµ‡įµ’Źø įµ’į¶  įµƒįµ’įµ‡įµƒ Ź²įµ’Ź°Ė¢įµƒā±. ā‚“Ėš. ą­­ Ėšā—‹ā—¦Ėš.Ėšā—¦ā—‹Ėš ą­§ .Ėšā‚“ ššŽš šŽš… š“š‡š„ š‡š€šˆšŠš˜š”š” š‚š‡š€š‘š€š‚š“š„š‘...

  • Physical Attraction | Sakusa Kiyoomi
    909K 24.7K 61

    Physical attraction - a desire for sexual intimacy. "Physical attraction?" "Yea. Physical attraction, nothing more." Not only will this story make you feel weak in the knees but also break your heart. This story HAS A PLOT, so don't expect it to be a collection of lemons (there will be alot tho lol). WARNING! +18: T...

  • Number One || Oikawa x Reader
    123K 4.8K 90

    "It's very easy to be number one: find the guy who is number one, and score one point higher than he does." -Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air There are those naturally better than you. No matter how hard you work, you can't change that. Your talents do not always coincide with passions and your passions do not...

  • Strategize: Haikyuu Fanfic
    3.3M 135K 97

    Play it safe. Push people away. Don't take risks. Don't try hard. Keep your standards low. Those things are to guarantee you an easy life. But there was one time. One time you mindlessly broke that rule. You had broken one of the biggest rules in your book. And oh how bad you broke it. Don't fall in love. Ayame Yamamo...

  • Tsuki-Dayo
    2.1M 82.7K 62

    [Name] is a member of the Karasuno's Girls' Volleyballs team. Just like Hinata and many other volleyball players, she is passionate about volleyball and her adrenaline rushes when she touches the ball. She's in the same class as Hinata and is close to both Hinata and Kageyama. In a mixed practice with the boys' volley...

  • TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [āœ“]
    672K 26.5K 39

    "š˜šŽš”'š•š„ š†šŽš“ š€ šš€š’š“š˜ š€š“š“šˆš“š”šƒš„, š‚š‹š€š’š’ š‘š„š." "šˆ'š‹š‹ š’š€š– š˜šŽš”š‘ šƒšˆš‚šŠ šŽš…š…, š“š’š”šŠšˆš’š‡šˆšŒš€." "š’šŽ š•š”š‹š†š€š‘." ā”€ accidentally stumbling upon kimura miki who was in the middle of a rampage, tsukishima uses this opportunity to blackmail the class representative...

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