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  • Hateful obsession
    1M 11.5K 40

    I have found an ideal life. I have a loving husband, no work and no danger. This is exactly what I wanted when I ran away and changed my identity. But I just didn't think that I would have a thirst to be in danger. Next to him. Especially next to him. And sometimes our desires come back into our lives with a nasty cry...

  • Perfectos Mentirosos © [Completa✔️]
    136M 8.6M 64

    Recién llegada a la elitista universidad Tagus, Jude Derry descubre que ahí todo gira alrededor de las fiestas, los chismes, los ligues y sobre todo de tres atractivos hermanos que son famosos por su influyente apellido: Cash. Son burlones, astutos, a veces insoportables, a veces intimidantes, y están acostumbrados a...