Strolling Mind
Based off of the webcomic created by Andrew Hussie, this story takes place on an average world where four teens lived average lives. In the hot city in Texas - Houston, Texas, these four teens will find out that their average lives are no longer ordinary. The fourth wall has been wrecked and these four teens' world ha...
I saw it all. I was there, behind everywhere. I was watching everything happen, everything fall apart before my very eyes. I heard every word. I'll never forget it. I'll never forget the war of the galaxy that has destroyed so many people's lives. That scarred children. That destroyed many countries of many of the pla...
MaKayla thought everything would be alright, she had friends and a cute 12 year old sister. Her parents died when she was about eight, but she didn't hear the ENITIRE story. Join MaKayla on her odd quest to find many answers!
MaKayla was just an average emo girl. NOT. Nobody ever was near her, and she didn't have a single friend. Every time she walked, people would back away from her. She was just avoided. Until one day. Someone, mysteriously unknown, followed her on Twitter, so she followed back. What she didn't know was who it was. She d...