You Are Not A Freak
In a potions accident, Harry is de-aged to eight years old and Snape finds a whole new side of Harry and himself.
In a potions accident, Harry is de-aged to eight years old and Snape finds a whole new side of Harry and himself.
Hogwarts read Harry Potter epilogue after that they have a few guest. WARNING: THE TEXT MAY CONTAIN A FEW SPELLING ERRORS BECUSE ENGLISH IS'NT MY FIRST LANGUAGE BUT I'M PRETTY GOOD AT IT SO IT SHOULD BE OKAY. PS. A few characters from the future are ownd by me but the rest are ownd by the amazing JK Rowling.
what if there was a way to read all books of Harry potter............ ? well The future generation has found one Let's see what happens
Reading the full (cannon) series. Might be separated into individual stories, might not. Who knows? Dear Snuffles, First of all, love the new name! It suits you! We think you and the Order would find these books interesting. It would probably be a good idea to pull Harry and his friends out of school for this as well...
Harry, Ron and Hermione plus Hogwarts along with characters from the books read book 3 in Harry's fifth year.
Hogwarts reads the Philosophers stone. Possibly the least original thing I have ever written.
During the summer after the Triwizard Tournament, Albus Dumbledore brings news of a mysterious volume appearing in the Department of Mysteries. Within its pages, the names of many Hogwarts students pop up countless times. This leads to the discussion and reading of the volume to see what it contains and if it can yiel...
Halloween always seems to bring surprises with it. Instead of the names of the champions for the Triwizard Tournament they were expecting, the three schools and a few guests receive seven books about a certain boy. Will they realize how dangerous they are? Will they take the chance to fix mistakes before they are made...
Basically, Harry Potter characters watch and react to YouTube videos about themselves. Enjoy :)Note: I'm sorry for the delay in updates, but the next chapter should be up soon. Don't forget to leave comments to let me know what video you want to see featured in the next chapter!
Harry Potter comes into an early creature inheritance before his 11th birthday to discover he has a family... and that his name isn't even Harry Potter. Follow Harry on his journey throughout Hogwarts and finding his dominant mate. I do not own any Harry Potter characters they all belong to the queen J.K. Rowling I...
Harry get cursed and turns into a turns out he quite likes it especially it touches his feminine side that he had hidden away before when a male how will everyone react to that - C.W.
Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. He goes to Gringott's to learn more about himself, but instead learns the truth of who he truly is. Harry learns that everything he knows is a li...
Harry Potter wakes up after a brutal beating. He asks the snake he met about a week ago. What should he do. the snake replied with something that shocked him, Harry replied with a little convincing that he would do it. little did he know how much his life would change.
What if Harry wasn't actually who you think he is? What if he had feelings for someone he didn't know he had for!! Harry recently went through his creature inheritance and found out some things that people where trying to keep away from him. (I do not own Harry Potter characters, it belongs to the author)
Belladonna Lily Potter or Bella for short was in the middle of her fifth year at Hogwarts when one morning at breakfast the minister of magic and the Malfoy family came and gave everyone a huge surprise. Will she be happy with the surprise or will she hate what's going to happen next to her you'll see as you read alon...
Harry goes back to hogwarts for his fifth year with a shocking surprise how will people react or will he only tell certain people about it - C.W.
Harry learned the truth about himself. What will he do with this information? Will he change sides or will he stay light?
Harry goes through his inheritance and finds out that his parents are alive and he has a family. Weasleys can be trusted but not Ron and Molly And also Harry has 2 dads, James and........... guess who
The golden trio, Hogwarts, professors and others from the past are brought together to read the life of Harry James Potter.
Like the title states, Hogwarts reads Oh God Not Again, a fanfiction Harry Potter parody, where Harry is sent back in time through the vail to when he finally recieved his letter. NOTE!!: If you have not read Oh God Not Again, please do go read it now. It is much better without the coments. Also, I will skip parts. N...
It's Harry Potter's sixteenth birthday, and he is about to get the shock of his life! All is not what it seems. Secrets have been hidden away and are about to come to light. Harry's about to find out just what has been kept secret from him and the manipulations that surround him. With nothing else left for him to do...
Every student at Hogwarts has to take a classification test to determine their future. 5 classifications: submissive, dominant, neutral, caregiver and little. what will happen when it's the boy who lived's turn to be classified? What will happen McGonagal and Snape go to 4 Privit Drive to classify the boy,only to find...
After an unforgivable beating that takes an unexpected turn Harry goes crawling (literally) to the enemy and hands over his horcruxes in exchange for safety Dumbledore can't guarantee.
Hermione Harry Ron Ginny Draco Sirius Remus Tonks Bellatrix Narcissa Lucius Voldemort Rudolphs Severus and Rebashtion are locked in Grimmulad Place playing truth or dare.
Privet Drive was a normal neighborhood, with normal houses, and normal lawns. They also had normal husbands and normal wives with normal children. However, at Number Four Privet Drive, the Dursely family had a very abnormal secret.
A dare of truth or dare goes wrong.... or did it actually go right? Cover, and characters are not mine- situation is- just don't copy please
First Year Harry goes to speak to Professor McGonagall, and finds out what real love is. *All rights of these characters go to J. K. Rowling. I only own the plot.*
How would the Harry Potter characters react if they watched their own story?