Historia de Cross Autora: Jael Peñalosa (jakei) Tumblr: https://xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/
Historia de Cross Autora: Jael Peñalosa (jakei) Tumblr: https://xtaleunderverse.tumblr.com/
Gamo didn't look forward to seeing anybody in a relationship. Or be friends with a boy for that matter. This changed however when her friends invited her to watch a rugby game that their school was playing in. It didn't take long before a figure comes walking onto the field, a strange vibe that made Gamo feel... wei...
Yeah I know I do a lot of dxds but this one has been on my mind for awhile so dont go and say this is your fourth one or didnt you already make one yeah so what anyway in this story your normal kinda your family is a group of assains and you are the only one that isnt one but you do have a few sets of skills your the...
You are Vampire who is the son of the crimson fcker Alucard. Like father like son he was a mini version of his dad. one-day Integra had sent you to expand Hellsing and your first stop was kouh and luckily the factions fear his family