Kimi Wa ( You ) |[Completed]|
A ChanBaek Love Story : It's you It's always you If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you It's you It's always you Met a lot of people But nobody feels like you
A ChanBaek Love Story : It's you It's always you If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you It's you It's always you Met a lot of people But nobody feels like you
Wolves asleep amidst the trees Bats all swaying in the breeze But one soul lies anxious, wide awake Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths Lullaby of Woe - The Witchers
I'll lift you when you're feeling low I'll hold you when the night gets cold You'll never have to be alone And that's all you need to know (All You Need to Know - Gryffin & Slander) This is the OTHER VERSION of * Song of a WILLOW TREE * as a Halloween Special treat . So please Enjoy !
I found peace in your violence Can't tell me there's no point in trying I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long ( SILENCE) start date : 30 September 2021 end date : 3 October 2021
I'm tripping and I could not get over ညွိတြယ္မိလို႕ ေက်ာ္မသြားနိုင္ေအာင္ပဲ တဲ့လား... I feelin' lucky, like a four leaf clover ေလးလႊာေမွာ္မခ်ဥ္ရြက္ကို ေတြ႕သလို ခံစားခ်က္မ်ိဳးနဲ႕ေပါ့... thinking what, it could be You & Me . စဥ္းစားၾကည့္ပါဦး... အဲ့တာ မင္းနဲ႕ငါပဲ မဟုတ္လား ။ ............. I'm tripping and I could not g...
*က်မ* ဆိုတဲ့ p.o.v နဲ့ ေရးဖူးသမ်ွေလးမ်ားကို ျပန္လည္ စုစည္းျခင္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္...... ဖတ္ျပီးရင္ ေတြးနိုင္ျကပါေစ...... ေတြးျပီး ရသမ်ွ အေတြးေတြကို FeedBack ခ်န္ခဲ့ပါ... လြတ္လပ္စြာေတြးျပီး လြတ္လပ္စြာ feedbackေပးနုိင္ ပါတယ္...... .21st. April. 2018 Friday......
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about * Dancing in the Rain * Short stories ... to warm your heart......
ျပန္ေတြ႕ၾကမယ္...... သက္တံ့တံတားေပၚမွာ အတူတူ လမ္းေလ်ာက္ၾကမယ္... ျပန္ေတြ႕ၾကရင္...... ျပန္ေတြ႕ၾကရင္ေလ.........
Love is Burning ... Like a P H O E N I X a chanbaek BL fanfiction
Zing ; ႀကိဳး ကမ႓ာပင္ ျခားေစဦး...... ေရွာင္လြဲမရေသာ ဖူးစာေနွာင္ႀကိဳးတစ္မွ်င္...... 11 :11 special Chanbaek Fanfiction
For Love , it's not strawberries and cream. Like roses with thorns, Love... is bittersweet. #adaptation of a novel
Even sins taste like Cherry , in between echos of love songs . (Big warning : Mature Content / Own character )
Weeping Willow, stop your tears; There's something to stop your fear. You think death as you do forever part; I know he'll always be in your heart.
ခ်စ္သက္ရွည္ေစ - ပ်ံ႕ေမႊးၾကဴၾကဴ ႏွင္းဆီျဖဴနွင့္ ၊ - သန္႕ၾကည္ေရခ်မ္း နံ႕သာလႊမ္းနွင့္ ၊ - ခ်ိဳျမေႏြးျဖဴ ယာဂုပူကို ၊ - ဆပ္ကပ္လွဴေလာင္း ငါဆုေတာင္းသည္ ၊ သစၥာတိုင္ေလ ခိုင္ေစေသာ္ ။ _________ ချစ်သက်ရှည်စေ - ပျံ့မွှေးကြူကြူ နှင်းဆီဖြူနှင့် ၊ - သန့်ကြည်ရေချမ်း နံ့သာလွှမ်းနှင့် ၊ - ချိုမြနွေးဖြူ ယာဂုပူကို ၊ - ဆပ်ကပ်လှ...