George... or Ryan...
In honor of Speed's 20th Anniversary comes a 20 years in the making Hollywood romance between two if its hottest commodities. Boy-next-door meets America's Sweetheart. The story revolves around Keanu & Sandy's time together during the filming of Speed up to their present life together with their children Louis & Kend...
There's always ups and downs in people lives, despite the nasty rumors especially when your a celebrity. But everything happens for a reason. Weather that be bad or good... If it happens to be bad, something good will always come out of it.
Working together could end up in romance. Love and Laughter is the perfect combo for any relationship <3 (my title is temporary as i dont know what to call it at the moment)
The story of how Sandra Bullock learned to trust again in the only person who could have made that possible; Chris Evans.
At the brink of her 50th birthday, Sandra is more than content with the life she leads, a life many can only dream of having. But when her prosperous career, doting husband, and buoyant son are erased from her mind, along with every other memory from the past 21 years, Sandra's life takes a perplexing turn. On a rocky...