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  • Russian Roulette (John Price x reader)
    88K 3.3K 12

    You were leading an honest, quiet, boring life as a young translator. That was before your dear aunt, Kate Laswell, asked for a big favor, which is helping Captain Price to go undercover in Russia to hunt down an infamous millionaire terrorist, Anton Belaev. As Price's wife. This is no easy task, going all the way to...

    Completed   Mature
  • Hravý ✔️
    1.2M 42.8K 34

    Jak dlouho mohou dva dospělí lidé hrát erotickou hru, která nemá žádná pravidla? Chloe Lewottová a Max Hinford vás zvou do svého příběhu plného vášně, smíchu, lásky a živočišnosti, kterou si zamilujete. |Upozornění: V příběhu se objevují vulgární výrazy a sexuální scénky| ©2015 All rights reserved | @Terectioncandy |...

    Completed   Mature
    1.9K 440 22

    „Vítam ťa, Jacob, v programe Láska Nebeská. Toto je Kai," hlavou kývol na vedúceho a pohľadom sa vrátil ku mne, „a bude naším mentorom počas celého trvania programu. Ja sa volám Felix, z prava je tu Edward, Thomas, Quintin, Noah a to dievča v rohu sa volá Aurora. Po skončení prvého sedenia obdržíš stručnú knihu pravid...

  • The Worst of Us
    100K 5.6K 33

    A queen bee and a wannabe. What could they possibly have in common? As it turned out, more than they ever thought.

  • the anatomy of love [BxB] COMPLETED
    376K 17.5K 60

    Jackson Cooper is your usual player, the charming heartbreaker, lover of the chase, indifferent to love and relationships. Except in this story, he's gay. And a little kinky. But otherwise, the textbook player who drops flings the moment they get too close, even if it means being a little cruel. Then one day he meets...

    Completed   Mature
  • Sarria
    10.1K 1K 35

    Príbeh dievčaťa narodeného v otroctve, ktoré si vybojovalo cestu na slobodu. Príbeh sa odohráva v Spojenej ríši Rímu a Grécka. Dej je situovaný do obdobia okolo roku 40 po Kr. Je to fikcia čiastočne odvíjajúca sa od Rímskej ríše. TW - násilie

  • Crossed Destinies ✓
    167 33 12

    2016 Leighyeann A. Mies All rights reserved Cover by @shinrili Playlist by @KathrynDelacroix [COMPLETED ON 7/9/2019] ❤️❤️❤️ Caroline and Treasa Minnett are sisters, but this is the only thing they have in common. Being polar opposites made them clash to the point that they're almost estranged. Minka Langston is a lone...

  • Future Rejection
    4.4K 192 15

    When childhood sweethearts Chloe and Ayrton get engaged, their life turns around. What will Conor do when Kyle rejects his advances? Will Ellie ever get rid of her jealousy and find true love at last? (WARNING: Contains scenes of a sexual nature, Boy X Boy relationships and abuse. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, GO READ TWIL...

  • Decisions and Mayhem | ✓
    620K 34.7K 25

    Antonio Martinez has a hard time fitting in. For one, he wasn't born in the USA and as a result, has a funny accent the kids at school made fun of. New money was looked down on in his private school, and so the former top of the class had it out for him for stealing her spot. Antonio didn't think things could get any...

  • Human
    188K 12.7K 14

    Tommy Gold's the snarky, gay lit major who still lives in his parents' basement. Jake Miller's the all-American straight guy with only one leg. Turns out, neither of those things is completely true. © a. c. wyatt, 2016

  • Syn svojho otca
    70K 5.4K 54

    Nadväzuje na príbeh Slúžka. Hlina, všade bola hlina...skrvavená smradľavá hlina. Strach, vzduchom sa niesol strach. Hruď trhajúci, tichý a tak neznesiteľný strach. A niekde tam, tam v tme...bola láska. Vzdychmi spečatená čistá lásk

  • Slúžka
    303K 20.1K 36

    "Žiadna z nás nevedela, komu bude odteraz zahrievať posteľ."

  • Les Noyades
    10.3K 947 21

    Rumi lives amidst the cluttered pile of his eclectic father's academic papers, the half-forgotten son of an exhausted Cambridge professor. There is nothing of interest in the town- nothing, that is, until their door is opened to one of his father's undergraduates. Across the span of an impromptu road-trip to track do...

  • Family Problems [ Andy Biersack & Black Veil Brides ] KOREKCE
    365K 23.9K 65

    Co je směšné? Všechno, pokud se to děje někomu jinému. - Voltaire / TEAM RANDY / Andy Biersack & Rebecca Pitts ( copyright: @TheCruella ) 2014-2015 Varování: vulgarismy a špatný humor. PRVNÍ ZVEŘEJNĚNÝ PŘÍBĚH ZDE NA WATTPADU, BERTE HO PROSÍM S VELKOU REZERVOU! - First Story -

    Completed   Mature
  • Cupid and Psyche |Lesbian Version|
    328K 16.2K 25

    Once there was a king and a queen with three lovely daughters. The youngest, Psyche, was so beautiful, so fair of face and form that she was revered throughout the land, and the people of her kingdom reached out to touch her as she passed. No suitors dared to cross her doorstep. So highly was she worshiped that Psyche...

  • Artemis |Lesbian Version|
    307K 14.3K 18

    Artemis, the beloved daughter of sovereign Zeus and rich-haired Leto, was born through passion and blessed with gifts. She was also the most beautiful among the Olympians. Her whims and desires could change the course of human destiny. No goddess had more freedom and intriguing life than the immortal huntress. With t...

  • Hades |Lesbian Version|
    692K 33.5K 15

    | A Wattpad Featured Story | Hades was well-cast to rule over the land of the dead. But what if Hades, the fearsome monarch of the Underworld was, in fact, a goddess? Everyone called her, 'Lord of the Dead' out of mockery since she prefers the company of women. She was considered an isolated and violent immortal, wh...

  • Blessings In Disguise (lesbian)
    412K 12.4K 20

    Dylan Tate, a San Francisco native, was perfectly fine with living a carefree lifestyle free from any major responsibilities. One particular day life smacks her upside the head with a greater responsibility than she could have ever bargained for. Will she fail at becoming a grown up or can she rise to the occasion...

  • Melting the Ice
    6M 163K 36

    Analeigh Kerrigan is chasing her dream of becoming one of the best figure skaters in the world. Zach Crawford is already living his dream of being the best ice hockey player. Their paths collide unexpectedly. But they have a lot of things in common. They both live on the skates. They both love the sound of their skate...

    Completed   Mature
  • How To Break A Heartbreaker | ✓
    18.5K 923 36

    "I hear you're a player. Nice to meet you, I'm the coach." It all started when the school player broke Selene's best friend's heart. After promising to avenge her best friend, Selene Calloway found herself in a situation; get Declan Grey to fall for her and then break his heart. She's was going to play the player.

  • Take me to church | girlxgirl
    324K 11.6K 34

    The all girls catholic school houses firm believers of the lord, Jesus Christ. Oh, and a bisexual atheist who's determined to get into the president of the student council's pants-- skirt, rather.

  • Melody ✓
    61.8K 4.3K 62

    Predstavte si, že sa jedného dňa ocitnete na zámku, kde sa máte naučiť ovládať zvláštne schopnosti, začnú sa vám diať nevysvetliteľné veci a navyše vás pri dobrodružstvách bude sprevádzať jeden z najpríťažlivejších chalanov na svete. Ibaže pre mňa to neboli len predstavy, stalo sa to realitou. Úryvok: "Dôvodom, prečo...

  • Azyl ✔
    2.7K 301 54

    Existuje sedem svetov. Azyl je jedným z nich. Medzi veriacimi si vyslúžil prezývku Svet svetov. Azyl je spojený so všetkými ostatnými svetmi a vedie do nich tajnými chodníkmi a portálmi. Na prvý pohľad tento svet pôsobí neutrálne, no je to iba klam. Sídlia tu temné i dobré sily, ktoré sú v dokonalej rovnováhe, a preto...

  • Zodiac (SK)
    220K 13K 96

    Ovládaná mocnou silou prastarej sily už od narodenia, sa Alaia musí rozhodnúť čo považuje za morálnu hodnotu svojho života. Byť najstaršou dcérou pomäteného kráľa ju dovedie pred oltár s cudzím mužom, ktorých osudy sú prepletené od prvého stretu ich krvi. Aj napriek všetkému je Alaia odhodlaná ochrániť blízkych ktorýc...

  • Vlk (SK)
    186K 11.8K 61

    TOP 1 RANKING IN WEREWOLF SECTION TOP 1 RANKING IN FANTASY - 18.2.2022 Každý človek kráča po zemi s dušou, zakorenenou hlboko v ňom. A každý vlkolak, kráča s dvomi. Keď sa však veci po troch rokoch nemenia, začína byť Primrose odstrkovaná vlastnou svorkou až do takej miery, že si pripadá ako vyhnanec. Jej život však v...

  • Good Boys
    185K 7.2K 33

    "Boys can't get raped." "Boys can't cry." Some people just don't know. [ 2017 ]

  • Book Club
    59.4K 3.5K 29

    Five people will form an unlikely friendship in an unusual way. Meet Flora, Danny, Celia, Eliot and Chloe. WARNING: This book deals with issues like self harm, depression, etc and has a lot of swearing.

  • The House of Goodness ✔
    35.5K 3.7K 87

    Keď začnú miznúť ľudia a tiene chodiť po uliciach, vieš, že zákutia Moonecrolu skrývajú temné tajomstvo. Keď rodinní príslušníci začnú hovoriť divné slová a dejú sa zvláštne veci, vieš, že to znamená čosi zlé. Keď mŕtvi začnú ožívať a nevinní umierať, vieš, že proroctvo sa napĺňa. Keď sa svety začnú odhaľovať a musíš...

  • V rouše beránčím
    40.4K 4.5K 31

    Celá dnešní společnost je postavena na principu stáda a my všichni jsme jeho příslušníky. Skoro až úpěnlivě se snažíme v něm zůstat, splynout s davem, nijak nevyčnívat. Schováváme to, kým doopravdy jsme, abychom se vyhnuli vyloučení z něj. Svět je plný přetvářky a lži, jež se schovává za pravdou. Možná je třeba konečn...

  • Slzy pro krásu
    4.8K 761 24

    „Kdybych chytila zlatou rybku a měla tři přání, tak tím prvním by bylo být hezká." Lidé tvrdí, že na vzhledu nezáleží a že to, co je opravdu důležité, má člověk uvnitř. Já osobně si ale myslím, že je to neskutečná hloupost. Kdybyste totiž byli v mojí kůži, chápali byste to. Říkají mi Via a jsem jeden velký omyl. A nen...