Fangirl Problems Of TWD
prostě problémy fanynek TWD...
Ahooj, moje úplně první kniha u mě na profilu.. A jsem neskutečně ráda, že je to kniha o TWD❤️.. Budou tady veškeré zajímavosti, novinky, podrobnosti atd.. o The Walking Dead💓. Určitě počítejte, že se tu objeví nějaké spoilery😌. Budu se snažit abych nic neprozradila, ale půjde to těžce.. Budu ráda za všechny ohlasy...
Právě se dozvíte co jste o THE WALKING DEAD ještě vůbec nevěděli !!! :)
That was the first time they meant. Through the fences of the prison. No walker dared to disturb them. She just wanted to run away from her fathers clutches. She wanted to be safe. To be in a place where she doesn't have to worry about being physically and emotionally hurt. But is she really free!?
Anna Roosevelt is the youngest daughter of the governor of New York, Teddy Roosevelt. She’s rich, goes to a private school, and gets anything she wants. She’s happy with her simple rich girl life until she meets street-wise newsie, known womanizer, Mush Meyers. Now her simple life is breaking apart as her feelings for...
Talia Blake , the daughter of Philip Blake (The Governor) lives with her dad in a town called Woodbury .. during an zombie apocolypse, she gets frightened from her dad's actions and runs away too a prison that she finds and they don't trust her at first but she falls for a korean named Glenn. Enjoy! x
When the malicious Governor of Woodbury takes hostages from a group of survivors living at a nearby prison, his daughter is the one to betray him and break them out and, better yet, go with them back to the prison. What started as just a plan to annoy her father led her her finding a certain someone that she'd never...
"It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind. Never experienced companionship, never been in love. And in that moment, all I felt was loneliness and regret." But there's always a first time..
"With all disrespect, I'm not going anywhere without her." Galahad.