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  • People Watching -- Bojan Cvjetićanin
    29.9K 911 32

    In which sworn enemies develop something other than hatred for each other. But for now I'm only people watching. I'm only looking just to live through you vicariously, I've never really been in love, not seriously.

  • Summer Nights -- Bojan Cvjetićanin
    12.6K 464 27

    In which two teens experience summer love, and meet again 5 years later Story based on: summer love A one shot in my one shot book :)

  • I Shouldn't Have | Bojan Cvjetićanin
    3.1K 122 10

    "I'm sorry for calling you again Even though it's late and you hate my guts" Neža Maček had closed the chapter Bojan Cvjetićanin for good. She had moved on, continued living her life. And things were going great for her, she just came back from Erasmus exchange and she was finishing her thesis. Graduation was ever so...

  • Prom Queen - H.S.
    270 28 6

    Po celé instituci se ozval hlasitý výkřik vycházející z dívčích šaten. Všichni studenti se vydali tím směrem, ale rozhodně nečekali, že uvidí toto. Adison byla rozvalená na židli. Z úst se ji tyčil obrovský puket červených růží a na krku se jí vyjímala podlouhlá modřina. Nikdo nevěděl, co se děje. Jediné, co bylo na p...

  • You and I? No, we. (CZ!!!)
    8K 368 14

    Jak to bude vypadat a co zažije mladá Ellena, když se vrátí po dvou letech zpět na střední školu v Londýně?

  • The Baker and The Billionaire
    192K 9.1K 29

    Harry Styles owns a small bakery. Harry hates big business and big CEOs. A big company wants to buy Harry's bakery. Niall owns a giant company. He wants to buy Harry's bakery. But he never expect to fall in love with it's owner,

  • Courage |H.S| ✅
    218K 9.3K 51

    Nikdy jsem neměla žádný zvláštní talent, nebo něco, v čem bych vynikala. Kromě problémů. Do těch jsem se dokázala dostat, aniž bych se musela snažit. Časem jsem ten fakt jednoduše přijala a podřídila se mu. Každý můj problém byl horší než ten předešlý a ten poslední mi zajistil letenku do Švýcarska. Tam se mělo všechn...

  • Stay [CZ]
    5.8K 311 17

    Láska vzniká z nenávisti.

  • Gucci Suit || Narry au
    227K 4.9K 25

    "Surely he had a secret smile somewhere under all those layers of impatience, irritability, antagonism and countless Gucci suits." Niall has worked for Mr Styles and his world famous fashion magazine for 6 years. He's been there the longest out of everyone, and all his colleagues are convinced Mr Styles has a soft spo...