altercation of modification 《poetry
al-ter-ca-tion noun 1. a nosiy argument or disagreement, especially in public mod-i-fi-ca-tion noun 1. the action of modifying something.
al-ter-ca-tion noun 1. a nosiy argument or disagreement, especially in public mod-i-fi-ca-tion noun 1. the action of modifying something.
al•ter•ca•tion noun 1. a noisy argument or disagreement espically in public self-ac•tu•al•i•za•tion noun 1. the realization or fulfilment of ones talents and potentialities, espically conisdered as a drive or need present in everyone
al·ter·ca·tion noun 1. a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public i·den·ti·fi·ca·tion noun 1. the action or process of identifying someone or something or the fact of being identified