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  • Infatuated ( l.t.+ h.s.)
    133K 6.5K 10

    In which Louis develops an unhealthy infatuation with the painstakingly endearing, clumsy boy across the hall, even though really- he's way too young for him.

  • schizophrenia ⇝ l.s
    8K 388 5

    schiz·o·phre·ni·a ˌ skitsəˈfrēnēə,-ˈfrenēə/ a psychotic disorder, which involves a loss of contact with reality, making it very hard for a person to distinguish between what is real and what is not. in which; Harry has schizophrenia and he writes about the beautiful boy with blue eyes that he sees everyday.

  • YouTube ➸ Larry Stylinson
    4.1M 137K 63

    where two famous youtubers deal with stolen cars, crazy girlfriends and their crazy fathers, movies, tea parties, traveling, and quite possibly, falling in love.
