music club → svt
in which 13 strangers gather in an abandoned music club every wednesdays. © francine original storyline property of sebongmp3
in which 13 strangers gather in an abandoned music club every wednesdays. © francine original storyline property of sebongmp3
random brain vomits from yours truly © property of sebongmp3 [ lower case intended ! ]
cursed (adj) - experiencing bad luck cause by a magic curse | The Alium Universe; where elves, fairies, trolls and different kinds of mythical creatures co-exists with ordinary humans. Faerie creatures live in one realm and humans the other, but our story lies within the realm of the faeries, specifically the Royal Ki...
*winner of iconic author of the year award* A womans job was to serve in any way told, and to produce healthy children. . Any women that disobeyed, would be punished severely. . The story of a poor girl who was purchased by the General, and how they changed each other and began to fight for the freedom of women ©chimc...