Hermione has a secret. She's known it for a while and it's changing her. People have noticed she's not the same person... not since he died... Credits and thanks goes to lemonerd222 for the AMAZING cover!!!
Hermione has a secret. She's known it for a while and it's changing her. People have noticed she's not the same person... not since he died... Credits and thanks goes to lemonerd222 for the AMAZING cover!!!
(18+ Plus story). Love story of two purebloods y/n riddle and Draco Malfoy. Will they stay together forever or will one be left with a broken heart?
!!SEQUEL TO DARK SECRETS (DRACO MALFOY X READER!! After Y/N Riddle is sent to Azkaban for her crimes she committed during the war, she awaits her trial. Little does she know that she will come in contact with a familiar face in the process. The boy who left her alone in the castle that once was her home, the boy who...
"Finally tamed that mane of yours Granger" he smirks, resting his rather large hands on his desk as he leans against it while starring down at me. "Unfortunately for you somethings don't change I see, your still a cocky, self centered little shit Malfoy." However he has changed. A lot. Unfortunately he's more muscula...
"Draco, look at me..." Y/N touched my face softly and I stared down at her. Tears welled from deep inside and I tried but couldn't stop them from coursing down my cheeks... She lightly brushed them off. "Kill me. That will be the greatest gift." She faintly smiled and at her words, I felt like drowning. "I love you...