Hall monitors brother
Kokichi was raised by the ishimaru family after their grandfather abused his mother to the point of suicide. The boy doesn't trust the family he's been taken into but can young kiyotaka change that?
Kokichi was raised by the ishimaru family after their grandfather abused his mother to the point of suicide. The boy doesn't trust the family he's been taken into but can young kiyotaka change that?
Basically, Monokuma locks two people at the time, inside a closet for seven minutes, making the other students (from all games and Dangan Ronpa animes), walk around the closet, waiting for their turn. They're one shots.
{Currently on Hiatus} The 79th class is known mostly for their antics, other class always says that they're boisterous, troubling, and sometimes even disastrous. But that's just what the out side world sees in them, get to know the better side of them as they live their days at Hope's Peak Academy.
Hey guys this is zap me and my family are doing an ask series and we need you to ask us stuff and more.
Kokichi sighed "This concert is so boring. I don't feel any entertainment, how disappointing." he thought to himself, crossing his arms while frowning. He was about to leave the concert without his friends when a certain idol caught his eyes when she started singing. She had a cute pitch voice that made his heart flut...