kan çiçekleri baran Dilan Karabey
sevgililer kan çiçekleri film çok güzel film mı adı kan çiçekleri
sevgililer kan çiçekleri film çok güzel film mı adı kan çiçekleri
Sabah uyandığımda saat 6 ya geliyordu her yıl bir defa mimarlık üniversitesinde 1 hafta ders verirdim bu 1 hafta benim tatilim gibi bir şeydi her yıl bir soru sorardım cevabını bilen olursa o yıl asistanim olurdu , eyer bulan olmazsa okul kimi seçerse 1 haftalığına asistanı olurdu zaten hiç kimse beni 1 haftadan daha...
Ilenya, empezará la venganza que estaba preparando su padre Can yaman. No plagio, derechos de esta autora, no copiarla
Can and Sanem ends up with different ones....but love brings them again together....🥰
Um final alternativo para as amantes da série Erkenci Kus. Que nossos corações sonhem com as infinitas possibilidades, mesmo que a realidade do fim que se aproxima não faça jus ao amor que sentimos por Sanem e Can.
A GIF-inspired, not-quite-enemies to lovers, crime-caper, Erkenci Kus AU. Can Divit and Sanem Aydin work in different spectrums of law enforcement. A family emergency brings them together in Istanbul, handling the same case - and battling both crime, and a mutual attraction.
Çok şirin bir mahallede oturan Sanem çok şirin mi şirin komşuları vardır. Ama bu komşular ve Sanemin annesi Sanemi evlendirmeye mecbur kılarlar. Evlenmek istemeyen Sanem En yakın arkadaşı Ayhan ile ısrar eder ama çare yok gibi gözükür. Fakat Annesinin bir şartı vardır . Şimdiye kadar babasının butiğinde çalışan Sanemi...
On - właściciel rodzinnej firmy budowlanej, zamiłowany żeglarz i fotograf. Człowiek o wielkim talencie. Ona - felietonistka, kochająca książki i malarstwo. Właścicielka galerii sztuki. Co ich łączy? Emre - jego brat i jej narzeczony. Jak często facet zakochuje się w tej samej kobiecie dwa razy? Can do tej pory myśl...
Can e Sanem hanno finalmente coronato il loro sogno,si sono sposati ma Can vuole che sua moglie veda il mondo ma soprattutto vuole che si avveri il suo più grande sogno andare alle Galapagos... Un viaggio per un sogno una nuova prova d'amore e mille difficoltà anche ora che sono finalmente marito e moglie! Buona lett...
Una storia dolce, semplice, dalle sfumature romantiche. Una serie di incontri casuali che fanno pensare sia opera del destino ma che regaleranno a Can e Sanem emozioni mai provate prima. S'innamoreranno al primo sguardo? Chissà...
È una storia d'amore molto inaspettata ma anche molto interessante. I protagonisti sono Sanem e Can, due persone più o meno simili ma che poi inizieranno a conoscersi a fondo grazie al posto di lavoro in azienda che ha ottenuto Sanem grazie all'aiuto di sua sorella Leyla
This starts a new series of stories, showing us the lives of Efe and Kadir Divit. The brothers joined together with a deep connection for each other, bonded with love that was instilled in them from birth. Their lives will take us on a journey of love and devotion that will parallel the passionate lives of their par...
I write to you, Can, knowing you will never read this. You're with another and I will always want that happiness for you. I write this for myself over everything. I think mostly, I need to come to terms with what I've lost. I still love you Can, I will always love you. And I understand that this love is unrequited...
One-shot: My wishful thinking for an end to episode 48 based on the first fragman
"It was pure luck, really, that this hadn't happened sooner. Two years of keeping out of his reach had really been testing the limits of fate, and the sane voice inside her head kept telling her she would have to face him eventually. The world was big, but it was not nearly as big as the secret she'd kept, or the prom...
This story is inspired by the Turkish series Erkenci Kuş and its protagonists; I have taken some of the characters and their roles in the novel to create it, so it may bear some similarity to the plot we saw on screen. ______ Can and Sanem are two free souls whose paths cross by chance one random night, where, unsuspe...
Description is in Introduction, but it's obvious by it's title. ❤️ I recommend to add this story to your reading 📖 list. Thank you very much! ❤️
Nazli & Ferit were living their lives pursuing their dreams. What unfolds when they come together? Was it destiny or a set up?
If there is one thing Sejal loves, it is control. Falling in love means giving that up, so she is determined not to do it. All she cares about is her family and her work -- her dreams of opening up her own restaurant one day sustaining her in her current soul-sucking job. But, she can't help but day dream about her fr...
As Ezgi goes to her first date with Serdar, Özgür gets reacquainted with an old friend. But things don't go as planned for any of them.
He's moved his business into MY building, walks into MY office whenever he feels like it and now he's moving in on MY girl. This guy, Yigit is a thorn in my side and Sanem is working for him. He needs a little reminder of where my boundaries lie.
[Drabble Collection] They're different. So different. Searing scotch whiskey in a glass with transparent ice cubes. Strong drink helped to forget. Perhaps, that's why Emre loved it so much. But hot chocolate remained the best delicacy for Leyla. Appetizing dessert decorated with a weightless white cloud of cream. ___...
An essay on the Turkish dizi rom-com genre.
This is the continuation of Two Broken Hearts and what happens after Can and Sanem return from their honeymoon. This will be a true love story with some comedy added in, enough of the drama
Can and Sanem have just said yes. While the small party organised in their honour is in full swing, the moment to say goodbye has come. The surprise organised by Can for their honeymoon promises to be full of promise: a cruise on the sailboat to an unknown destination?