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  • Solidly Real (GaLe FanFic Fairy Tail)
    39.4K 1.8K 11

    In a world where Magic is outlawed. The who is caught using such sorcery will be punished by death. Anything supernatural is considered the works of the devil, so mages around the globe are constantly living in fear. Levy McGarden, I simple townswoman; ocean blue hair, chocolate brown eyes, Five Foot Two (5'2) and has...

  • Flying High (being edited)
    333 16 3

    Do you believe in the supernatural Amber didnt until she discovered she had the power to control the very air around her. Now an group know as Project Sunrise are after her and her power's she has no choice but to go to HavenFalls Academy a place where teens like her with powers and abitys are trained by the Hollow t...

  • Playing Blind
    1.4K 41 6

    Ashling has a secret she loves to play the guitar but never in front of anyone and the only time you'll hear her sing is in the shower. you would never guess that Ashling O' Connell the girl who seemed to pride herself on going unnotice by everyone wanted to be unique instead. Ashling was fine being the one of 6 kids...

  • Chasing Wolves (being edited)
    866 28 4

    Can one camping trip change your entire life Charlotte Lawlet aka Charlie is about to find out what happens when the people you go to school with every day are not what they appear and what secret's does the jerk Logan Cast hide? Charlie's world will be turned upside down as she struggles to figure out exactly whats g...

  • It's not all Black and White (being edited)
    95 13 3

    Shiro is a thief and a demon to boot, so she doesn't have time for an ordinary life but is it really that simple? She doesn't want to be a thief so why does she do it? That's what Vincent Adams a hunter who kills demons for a living wants to find out but will his un-natural interest in Shiro put them both in danger an...

  • When Poems Dont Rhyme
    1.1K 50 13

    when poems dont rhyme is an accumulation of some poems and song lyrics writen by me over the years some reflect events that have happened to me or to the people i care about others were just writen for fun i hope you like them enjoy