"Also blickte er stattdessen aus dem Fenster und mied ihren Blick. Denn er wollte die Kälte nicht noch einmal spüren." ©letzteEinhorn
"Also blickte er stattdessen aus dem Fenster und mied ihren Blick. Denn er wollte die Kälte nicht noch einmal spüren." ©letzteEinhorn
seventeen syllables, telling stories. highest poems ranking: #21 highest poetry ranking: #16 highest haiku tag ranking: #1
"i remember." © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2015. N. A. The sequel to 'Boy' is 'Funnybones' and is available to read on my profile.
In which a dead boy and a living girl reunite after several years. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2016. N. A. || The sequel to 'Boy' In order to understand this story to its full potential, reading Boy is probably a good idea. But you don't have to.
to build a castle in the skies, to burn their garden of lies.