My Sad Chubby Life
Hey. I'm just a girl with a big belly. I'm trying to lose weight but I have a fat fetish so I'm like, "Omfg what should I do???" Like, make up your MIND already! Enjoy m8s :3
Hey. I'm just a girl with a big belly. I'm trying to lose weight but I have a fat fetish so I'm like, "Omfg what should I do???" Like, make up your MIND already! Enjoy m8s :3
My 7-year-old boy is gaining weight and I'm not sure how! My husband, Gavin, convinced me he didn't do this and I'm stuck wondering how he's gaining so much weight! I'll tell my story and my point of view.
A friendly feeder finds a new target to fatten up on a 180-day cruise around the world. The story changes point of view in each chapter - starting with Sarah, the unsuspecting feedee, and shifting to Ellie, the seasoned feeder.