Honey & Spice {Cedric Diggory} Under editing
"I care too much, it's kinda a problem." OC X Cedric Diggory Story under editing - now with added angst
"I care too much, it's kinda a problem." OC X Cedric Diggory Story under editing - now with added angst
The Avery family were one of the few truly pureblood wizarding families left in society. They took pride in a long line of thoroughly talented witches and wizards who all bore the proud status as not only pureblood, but also Slytherins. Lucas Avery was perhaps the most prominent Avery. The boy who befriended Tom Ridd...
The Parker curse continues to plague Peter and it doesn't help when the Avengers are sent to arrest him. They don't seem to get that he only wants to be left alone. And then Tony offers an internship to Peter. Peter decides to give it a try while trying to keep his identity a secret. Hopefully Peter will find a wa...
After Uncle Ben died, Peter Parker's world crashed. Aunt May blamed him for his death and years later continued to do so. Not only does Peter have to look after school, work, and being Spider-man, but now he started working at the Stark Tower as an intern. Can Peter balance all the hate, bullying, and abuse that comes...
Tak więc talksy z *bierze głęboki wdech* Scherlocka, Marvel'a, Shadowhunters, Hamiltona, The Umbrella Academy, Yuuri on Ice, Boku no hero Academy, Percy'ego Jacksona, Harry'ego Pottera, Lucifera i... no ogólnie będzie tego dużo. Zapraszam :)
【Dobrych przyjaciół trudno znaleźć, a jeszcze trudniej zapomnieć.】 • 𝙊𝙣𝙚-𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩
🌼 Szkolne lata zostawiają w każdym człowieku masę wspomnień, a wyjątkiem od tej zasady nie jest Żaneta Majewska, która przez trudną sytuację w ojczyźnie wraz z rodzicami przeprowadza się do Wielkiej Brytanii. Zdolna czarownica zaczyna pracować u boku Tezeusza Scamandera, z którym, jak okazuje się dzień po dniu, ma wi...