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  • Valdantysis Kraujas
    10.4K 1.5K 43

    Trečioji istorijos dalis. 1 knyga - "Neprabudęs Kraujas" 2 knyga - "Prabudęs Kraujas" 3 knyga - "Valdantysis Kraujas" ___________ Kaja pagaliau tapo tuo, kuo visada turėjo būti - siela, ieškančia teisingumo. Kol mergina taikstėsi su savo perversmu, visus Eridės gyventojus ima bauginti Svazilando karaliaus auganti gali...

  • Unbecoming Humans
    613K 14.6K 35

    This is the completely rewritten second edition of Unbecoming Humans. It's bigger, it's gayer, it's everything the first edition deserved to be. Please note that this rewrite is currently in progress. The end of the current rewritten chapters will be marked. With civilization on the brink of collapse, Aria's parent...

  • Escaping Lust( The Savior #1)
    25.3K 868 44

    An innocent girl who gets hurt by everyone around her, finds someone to help heal her. she tries to escape the way he makes he feel. she falls instead. A ruthless man who can't wait to control the underworld, meet a girl who brings out the best in him. instead of wanting to escape, he wants to keep her. "You will fi...

    Completed   Mature
  • Behind These Eyes
    1K 246 59

    Best Ranking(s): #1 Cliffhanger 05/30/2021 #6 Psycho-thriller 07/02/2021 #24 twistsandturns 07/04/2021 #32 pointofview 07/04/2021 #32 psychokiller 07/07/2021 ~~~ As soon as my fingers wrap around its cold metal handle, I feel safe. That is, until he makes another leap at me. I instinctively throw my right hand out in...

  • The Killing Bind
    1.6K 383 34

    Four people. Four lives. Four jobs. They're all involved in a murder that has already been solved, and it's up to them to stop the count of dead bodies before one of them dies. *** Following his suspension, a young and elite assassin who works for a clandestine g...

  • Serial
    2M 60.3K 33

    THIS STORY WILL BECOME FREE ON MARCH 21, 2024! ***** Emmy's life is going just as she'd planned: She's living in her own apartment, dancing every day and is just leaps away from being named her company's next Prima ballerina. And she's only 17. But...

  • The Famoux (Wattpad Books Edition)
    25.1K 673 24

    WATTPAD BOOKS EDITION. Fame can be deadly. Out of the wreckage of environmental collapse, the country of Delicatum emerged. Its most popular celebrities are the Famoux, uniquely beautiful stars of a reality TV show called the Fishbowl. In a world still recovering from catastrophe, they provide a 24/7 distraction. Six...

  • A Different Virus: Heartfire
    10.1M 506K 199

    In the future, everyone who's bitten by a zombie turns into one... until Diane doesn't. Seven days later, she's facing consequences she never imagined. * * * * * As civilization collapses under a relentless wave of zombies, Diane and her friends tak...

  • Wild (Book 2, the Feral Series)
    99K 7.6K 31

    With a new name and new life, Nathan must learn to fit in at an Academy of the Feral Investigation Bureau, or risk being sent back to prison. ***** Escaping prison was only the beginning for inmate C41. Now on the run and going by Nathan, he's enrol...

    Completed   Mature
  • Feral (Book 1, the Feral Series)
    359K 18.3K 33

    C41 was taught to fight and never trust anyone but a select few. But in order to leave prison, he might have to work with those who can break him. ***** Inmate C41 is the youngest registered "feral" shapeshifter -- someone unable to control his anim...

    Completed   Mature
  • Tamsioji (Baigta)
    10.5K 1.4K 37

    "Mirtis neturi vardo, bet jie jai sugalvojo." Milenija - tamsioji, maža mergaitė kuri suaugo per greitai, tam, kad mirtis ją pasiglemžtų. Gimusi sunkiais laikais ji matė kaip atslinko juodasis Maras, o su juo ir siaubingos pabaisos pasiglemžusios tūkstančius nekaltųjų. Ji jautė alkį kuris laužė kaulus, ir matė tėvo rū...

  • Blogio sala
    26K 3.1K 23

    Metuose yra trys dienos, per kurias visi Alkatraso salos gyventojai yra priversti slėptis. Tuo metu į gatves yra paleidžiami keisti padarai iš požeminio kalėjimo. Alkatraso saloje gyvena žmonės, kurie įkalinti ir negali patekti į išorinį pasaulį, dar vadinamą Išore. Jie gyvena savo įprastus gyvenimus ir niekas nežino...

  • Prabudęs Kraujas
    47.5K 4.7K 41

    Antroji istorijos dalis. 1 knyga - "Neprabudęs Kraujas" 2 knyga - "Prabudęs Kraujas" 3 knyga - "Valdantysis Kraujas" ______________ Išgyvenusi nepaprastai sunkias lenktynes Kaja ir vėl priversta leistis į kelią, o nubudusi galia nepalengvina gyvenimo, o tik dar labiau viską apsunkina. Jos siela skyla į kelias dalis, v...

  • Neprabudęs Kraujas
    83.3K 6.9K 42

    Atiduodu duoklę fantastikai, todėl tai yra fantastinis romanas. 1 Knyga "Neprabudęs Kraujas" 2 Knyga "Prabudęs Kraujas" * * * Jei būtų kitas laikas ir kita vieta, Nebūtų monstro mano viduje, Kuris nagus galanda paslapčia Ir augina baisų troškulį lengva... ________________________________________ Kajai Relark buvo pr...
