Lyrics Of Songs Pt.1
Lyrics of the songs you like! Tell me a song and I write that baby up! Enjoy! I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE. Part 1
Lyrics of the songs you like! Tell me a song and I write that baby up! Enjoy! I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE. Part 1
Das hier ist keine Story oder ähnliches! Ich werde hier Zitate aus 'The Fault In Our Stars' von John Green posten. Wenn jemand will, aber auch aus anderen Büchern von John Green.
My quotable quotes are quotable! So I`ll put notable notes with my quotable quotes to make my notes quotable! A book of inspirational quotes!
SOMETHING TO SING ALONG TO!!! XD This is something like a song book, but instead it will be filled with all wattpadders favorite songs. All you have to do is send me the name of your favorite song and I'll post it up for the world to see, in return that chapter shall be dedicated to you and votes shall be placed in. M...
"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."
More quotes from Doctor Who (in case the title was unclear). All rights to the BBC.
18 new songs from One Directions' 2013 album, Midnight Memories. Enjoy & please don't hesitate on correcting any lyric mistakes!
When you are bored, in need of some creatively hidden advice, or just looking for cool quotes, flip through this and your problems will be solved! Warning: the accuracy of the things mentioned in this blurb are not guaranteed. [I do not own any of these quotes.] [Cover made by @intothestars] WARNING: This book...
Hi, these are lyrics to some of my favourite songs. I hope you enjoy it and if you could just vote for your favourite ones.
This are my favorite quotes, lyrics and other stuff I like x have fun with it x love ya all x
They say "If you are skinny, you're on drugs. If you are fat, you look nasty. If you're dressed up, you're conceited. If you dress for comfort, you're a slob. If you speak your mind, you're a bitch. If you don't say anything, you're rude. If you are sweet to strangers, you are fake. If you cry, you're a drama que...
Dies ist keine Geschichte, sondern eine Sammlung von Zitaten,Songtexten und Gedichten, die mich sehr berührt haben. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich sie mit euch teilen! Ich werde versuchen jeden Tag ein neues Kapitel zu posten. Die Sammlung wird verschiedene Inhalte haben, damit ihr euch besser zurechtfindet. ♥ So…enjoy! ♥
All these quotes are not mine. They are just some of my favorites that I thought I'd share with you. Enjoy~