LUNATIC | Peter Parker x Reader
b u t h e s m i l e s w h e n h e k i l l s
Five slammed his butter knife into the table, not breaking eye contact with their father, unable to see everyone's horrified stares. Y/n tore her eyes away from him to the knife that had landed not far from her hand. "I have a question." Five stated bitterly, letting go of the knife that jutted out of the table. "Know...
conflate /kən - flāt/ v. 1. combine (two or more) persons, colors, ideas, etc 2. something fallon and bellamy do not do- at first they're like water and oil. vinegar and bleach. leonardo dicaprio and oscars. they don't mix- at least, until bellamy does something nice for a change, and fallon realizes that maybe he isn...