25 Ways To Annoy Voldemort!
25 ways to annoy the Famous, evil, Almighty Voldermort. Do not attempt any of these things around Voldermort himself as it most likely will lead to torture and death by the unforgivable curse.
25 ways to annoy the Famous, evil, Almighty Voldermort. Do not attempt any of these things around Voldermort himself as it most likely will lead to torture and death by the unforgivable curse.
What would have happened if Katniss didn't take Prim's spot in The Hunger Games? Would anything be any different? Would a new story unfold? This is my version. *WARNING: Things have been changed. Don't say I didn't warn you.*
Three stoires in one book! Claw is Bone's only son. When he saw his dad die in the battle field he vowed he will kill all the clan cats. Until they are the distant memories of the cats. Firestorm is legendary Firestar's greandson. One day Whitestorm visits him and tell him he has a power that he is not suppose to have...
One cat with a destiny greater than any cat before her, challenges her fate. An enemy awaits for her clan to be destroyed by their powerful paws, causing terror and battles between the three clans. Hazelfur struggles from Dawnstar's prophecy- "Tree and tree will sway in the wind, but one will fall on the clan." Will t...
RowanClan and TidalClan. Like any other warrior Clan, they are made up of cats that survive, work, train, and grow together. The major difference? These cats have special abilities... Rowan and Tidal have recently split from one Clan into two, due to arising disputes and the murdering of their Clan leader. Families, f...