not everything has a happy ending.
Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington don't exactly see eye to eye. Sure, they're friends with each other's friends but the two seem to be the only ones who don't get along. After a while, Harrington finds himself wanting to be around Munson more but doesn't know why. Is this an okay thing? Who knows. Eddie also finds him...
In a world without nen and hunters Gon lives a "normal life" with Killua, Kurapika, and Lerorio or so he thought. One day a man named Hisoka shows up in town. He's all what people can talk about because of his handsome looks. Gon catches Hisoka's eyes and take an interest in him. Killua and the others warn him to sta...
This is mature content, like over 18 and 20 stuff, I am not responsible for anyone underage. Also, no pictures in this story are mine, they belong to the right full owners, also these story characters and places are also not mine, they belong to the creator of hunter x hunter! A hisoka x gon story, I hope to add 2 cha...
After a few years Gon has RIPENED and Hisoka decided to try to find his apple-chan. remember when Gon transformed into a whole ass adult? yeah well that's what Gon looks like now, but he's like 17 still living with Mito-san in Whale Island :} wait- hes 17,, does that mean he's ripened? i dont know. oh well
Hisoka is a sad and lonely male when he comes upon the bright and smiling Gon. Hisoka got obsessed with Gon even though Gon was not paying attention to him. Hisoka is trying to get his attention
I'm Gon , a little Boy with great Friends and a mabye not so good Family but that is not what I wanted to say. I love someone and some people say that I should not love him , but i just do... Maybe he is older and mybe he is "scary" or a clown , but i don't really care. I just love him and thee is nothing that can ch...
Gertie po autohavárii, pri ktorej zomreli obaja jej rodičia zistí, že je anjel - a nie len hocijaký. Začne študovať na Black-Pent Castle, kde získa mnohých priateľov, no aj nepriateľov. Spoločne sa budú pripravovať na dôležitú misiu. Zvládne to Gertie? Ako zareaguje na svojho záchrancu? Čítaj a dozvieš sa viac ;) !UPO...
°vampire story° Nájde ju len tak pohodenú a zneužitú na ceste. V jednej uličke plného bordelu a pohodených plastových fliaš po okolí. Vedel, že dýcha. Počul jej tlkot srdca. Jej splašeného srdca. Bolo počuť ako potichu narieka a snaží sa nehýbať, pretože ju bolí celé telo. Nevedel kto to je, ale chcel to zistiť. Jej p...