Short Horror Stories
A collection of the scariest, creepiest and freakiest campfire ghost stories there are! For anyone who likes a thrill. WARNING: Do not read these in bed at night!
A collection of the scariest, creepiest and freakiest campfire ghost stories there are! For anyone who likes a thrill. WARNING: Do not read these in bed at night!
This is a collection of scary stories that come from other books or online and from my own imagination. Hope you scare yourself! Not all credit goes to me for certain stories. Some were adapted from other authors' works.
Innocence. A demon can smell it from a mile away. It draws them in and drives them crazy with blood lust until their target is all they can think about. Every demon has their own unique way of tormenting, maiming and murdering their victims. Derrick's signature is tying up his girls and suspending them off the ground...