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  • Queen of Hearts: An Ever After High Dizzie Story
    11.9K 328 6

    After Lizzie Heart's fairytale first date with Daring Charming, she is unsure of what to do. Her mother would certainly never approve of her dating outside her destiny (let alone dating at all), she cannot help but feel a stirring inside her. The two of them have always been hexcellent Royals, but the time may have c...

  • Muzica Pjo/HoO
    8.7K 605 65

    Deci, știi ca exista melodi care sunt puse pe slideshow-uri cu Pjo/HoO. Ei bine, m-am gândit sa fac o mini carte in care sa pun mai multe melodi de acest fel.

  • Ever After High
    864 49 8

    Totul e dat peste cap cand sora lui Reven ajunge la liceu.Ea incearca sa o ajute pe sora ei chiar saca asta ii face mai mult rau.Dar va rusi sa faca ce si-a propus sau isi va crea si ea destinul?

  • Hiccup&Astrid
    59.9K 1.1K 38

    This is the heart- warming story between Hiccup and Astrid and their journey together through their relationship. I hope you enjoy it. I will try to update as much as I can<3 <3

  • Fly Away With Me *DISCONTINUED*
    30.4K 973 32

    Astrid and Hiccup have been together for five years. Nothing could be better. Except for the fact'll have to read to find out... Drama and sweetness within this realm, will you join the world of Hiccstrid?

  • You and I
    1.5K 73 9

    Aceasta este o alta poveste cu Hiccup si Astrid . Sper sa va placa :)

  • Sufletul meu pereche pentru totdeauna
    5.8K 184 13

    Cand o noua fata(Hermione) isi face aparitia la Hogwarts, Draco isi pune imediat ochii pe ea mai ales ca a fost repartizata la Slytherin.

  • Nume de personaje 1
    6.6K 28 42

    Aici voi dedica fiecărui capitol câte un nume mai puțin folosit în cărțile de pe Wattpad.

  • Regina Mortilor Vii Te Vrea
    140K 6.9K 21

    18+ "Ii apartii ei !"acestea sunt cuvintele pe care Devon Wart, nu de mult un elev obisnuit de liceu ,a inceput sa le auda din ce in ce mai des . Lui Devon ,elev in ultimul an la un liceu de prestigiu din New York, i se schimba destinul odata cu o iesire puierila de noapte intr-un club ,usor neobisnuit, al caru...

  • Titluri de cărți
    51.3K 859 22

    Idei de titluri!!!

  • Adevărul despre desene animate
    35.4K 1K 66

    Această carte îi aparține @Vicky M. Anais! Bine ați venit la concursul "Distruge copilăria"! Celui căruia copilăria îi v-a fi distrusă cel mai mult, v-a câștiga! Semafor roșu Pe locuri.... Semafor galben Fiți gata... Semafor verde START!

  • NUDES(română)
    50.8K 1.3K 29

    (IMAGINE TRIMISĂ) Lana, spune-mi, e sânul meu stâng mai mare decât cel drept? Trimis la 9:08PM Asta nu e Lana dar, SFINTE SÂNI! Trimis la 9:10P.M YIKES!!!Număr greșit!!!Ahsks Ajxodbd Trimis la...

  • Send Nudes
    287K 9K 60

    Anonim-Send nudes Alya-Nu!Iacs!Cine esti? Anonim-Un anonim printesa Doi adolescenti ce provin din lumi diferite. Alya va incepe sa aiba sentimente pentru anonim?Ce se va intamapla cand fata va afla cine este acest anonim?Va reusi anonimul sa mentina flacara aprinsa? Veti afla citind "Send nudes ,, cover by @star2905 ...

  • the family jewels
    1.1K 43 1

    The first sign was the child's drawings. -- in which the empty child's bedroom in guinevere and lancelot's avalon cottage, is not so empty after all. set during the last ever after

  • filling in canon: sge oneshots
    27.2K 834 18

    I write oneshots for bits of the SGE books that I feel were lacking-- people's relationships that weren't fleshed out or things that weren't explained and so on. (Cover by @ kirstenlana_ on Instagram!)

  • ᴘᴏᴠᴇsᴛɪ sᴄᴜʀᴛᴇ ᴅᴇ ɢʀᴏᴀᴢᴀ
    127K 8.8K 205

    Povesti scurte de groaza 01.01.2018-#1 horror 30.03.2020-#1 horror

  • When History Repeats It's Self
    17.5K 413 20

    What if what happened between King Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot happened again? What if Rhian liked Agatha instead of Sophie? How would 'Quests For Glory' play out? ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SOMAN CHAINANI Started: 10/09/2018 Ended: - Storyline belongs to A and E only! No plagiarism! Translations are only accepted...

  • Făuritoarea de vise (publicată)
    64K 391 8

    Viaţa Ellei se schimbă după ce este prinsă de o furtună şi este nevoită să-şi petreacă noaptea într-o peşteră necunoscută. Este cuprinsă de teamă când a doua zi se trezeşte altundeva, de aceea preferă să creadă că a visat totul. Însă nu ştie că e urmărită până acasă de trei vizitatoare mici. Atrasă spre lumea lor, Ell...

  • The Lady's Secret (School for Good and Evil)
    4.5K 109 69

    You may think their story is over, but you couldn't be more wrong. Sophie has a secret. It would be disastrous if anyone were to find out. But what if her secret isn't a secret? What if it's a plot against her? Sophie realizes it too late, and with the return of the Snake, the Endless Woods is plummeted into chaos. S...

  • ◀American horror story▶
    32.6K 1.8K 18

    Orice om are o temere. Dar vampirii, vârcolaci, fantomele, spiritele, zombi, strigoi, vrăjitoare, demoni sunt doar plăsmuiri ale minți omenești deci NU EXISTĂ!!! În această carte vor fi prezentate toate legendele creepypasta și miturile de alte origini.

  • Povesti de Groaza
    784 48 4

    Antologie de poste de groaza. Majoriatatea le-am narat pe canalul meu de Youtube "Stefan Mihai"

  • Lumea de dincolo
    987 52 13

  • Documentar despre Daruma-san
    247 13 2

    Acesta este un mit facut de chinezi , care presupune ca o fantoma te urmareste.

  • ✔️ | Demigods At The School For Good And Evil | SGE X PJO Crossover
    34.7K 782 30

    •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• What if the demigods never went to Camp Half-blood but went to the school for good and evil? Which demigods would be qualified and would they be good or evil? A leader, henchman or a helper? And what's going on in school.??? XDisclaimerX In no way do I claim t...

  • Imperfect Queen
    19.7K 606 17

    The great kingdom of Camelot is struggling to find a new Queen, only because it seems that nothing can please the prince. As a solution to this problem, they send to guards to embark on a journey to find a new Queen, peasant or noble, anybody. Unfortunately, the guards take it as a joke and choose the girl that want...

  • Surgeons, Supermodels and Football Feuds
    1.7K 61 1

    Although his lips are pursed and his eyes are narrowed and he wears an expression like a disapproving high-class grandmother from the eighteen hundreds, he's still hot? What the hell. So Agatha leans back on the stupid creaky plastic chair and smiles a stupid fake smile and asks this stupid guy with his stupid blonde...

  • Sărută-mă acum.
    38.8K 2.3K 35

    ,,Mai dureros decat sa privesti soarele in stralucirea lui arzatoare e sa privesti doi ochi ce si-au pierdut stralucirea de altadata, sa induri o privire distanta ce nu te mai doreste.'' O poveste de iubire unică, în oraşul iubirii si al modei, Paris. ,, ... eu voiam un ultim sărut. În ochii lui neînsemnând nimic, în...

  • Replicile surorilor
    730K 48.8K 155

    Replicile geniale ale surori mele . Enjoy it

  • Tagatha FanFic!
    12.8K 134 11

    This is a story about Agatha and Tedros. Make sure to read and vote! Enjoy!

  • Reunited and Reignited
    15.4K 299 10

    PART 2 OF A SERIES book 2 of 3 first book: Beautiful Beginnings They say love doesnt last, and yet, after 10 years, Tedros still has feelings for his high school lover, Agatha however, well, she seems to have convinced herself she's over him. Unfortunately, life isn't that simple.
