Ava Jones
Sequel to the Story of Bughead Ava is all grown up now. Read how she discovers herself and her place in riverdale. By saving her mother, her father, her friends, and the whole town Ava will finally discover her place in the world.
Sequel to the Story of Bughead Ava is all grown up now. Read how she discovers herself and her place in riverdale. By saving her mother, her father, her friends, and the whole town Ava will finally discover her place in the world.
If you ship bughead read this After you finish reading this read the sequel: Ava Jones. Betty Cooper discovers she is pregnant. Jughead Jones and her are going to go through this teen pregnancy together, taking whatever the world throws at them as a team.
"I don't make love, Ms Cooper. I fućk. Hard." Innocent, wide-eyed Betty Cooper comes to New York on a Literature Scholarship. But of all the things the 19 year old was expecting to happen in the biggest city of the world, falling for the dangerous Billionaire, Jughead Jones, and getting caught up in a relationship of...