The Dragon's Lair
You enter the ridiculously named 'The Fairy Pawmother," a hybrid shelter, with very low expectations. Instead, you meet a beautiful Dragon hybrid named Namjoon, gaining a family and so much more.
You enter the ridiculously named 'The Fairy Pawmother," a hybrid shelter, with very low expectations. Instead, you meet a beautiful Dragon hybrid named Namjoon, gaining a family and so much more.
A prequel of Wolf Allergic Don'! *sneeze First, because I'm not available *sneeze Second, I'm allergic to dogs! *sneeze So go away! - A story about an alpha wolf named Min Joonki, the past life Kim Namjoon, who fell in love with the human he hated the most, you. But, the bad news is other than the allergy...
Completed ✔ I- *sneeze* Fckin- *sneeze* Allergic- *sneeze* To Dogs- *scratch* - In which, Kim Namjoon, an alpha who finally found his mate, a human, you. But the bad news is, you were allergic to dogs. "Hey! Wolves aren't dogs!" "Same kind bro, same kind" *sneeze* - Mostly short chaptered Highest Rank: Number 1 in #Na...