zodiac signs
what do the stars say about you?
Quotes influence me so wrote some on life. All these are not my quotes, some are mine some are from internet. If u like this book ILY and don't forget to follow,vote and comment
Hey...!!! Guys this a book containing facts abt life . Maybe u feel after reading it tht , itzz smetimes negative or positive , bitter , sweet...but... True.
you can tell a lot about a person from the music they love. so here it is, these are songs in my playlist, songs not in my playlist, songs i love, songs i hate, song parodies, songs i've written. they're all here, music (excluding my own songs) and lyrics (including my own songs), contained within this very book. but...
These are not made by me. All rights go to the people who made them. I just stumbled upon these on the internet. **WARNING: some texts may include rude language or sexual content that some may find offensive. if you find these offensive dont read it.**
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. This book contains some facts about science,great personalities,world records,unbelievable truths etc........... I hope you find some interesting facts by reading this Masha Allah Random #23 (2014.09.02)