That's why I..
What should have happened instead on 307.. Clarke and Lexa live in polis as a couple and fight with the 13 clans, working through every problem that is thrown their way.
What should have happened instead on 307.. Clarke and Lexa live in polis as a couple and fight with the 13 clans, working through every problem that is thrown their way.
Her roommate looks at her sometimes and Clarke is never sure if they're going to kill or kiss each other. When Clarke Griffin forgets to complete her sophomore year residency application, she returns to college to find that they've paired her with the last roommate she ever expected to get. By thefooliam
One mistake. Clarke made one mistake and it was enough to end everything she had been dreaming about for a life with her soulmate Lexa. But when years later they meet again, Clarke makes it her life's mission to rectify the misunderstandings, be truthful and come clean about everything that had led up to her big mista...
Clarke's father is put on life support, and becoming Lexa Woods's girlfriend is her last chance at paying his bills. It was supposed to be about money. Insensitive, immoral, impersonal. She was never supposed to fall in love with her. By geralehane
Clarke can't deal with the guilt she is carrying from the events at Mount Weather. Can Lexa help her through or will this burden stay with her forever? Set after Clarke leaves Camp Jaha S2 Ep16
Five months after breaking Lexa's heart, getting her back is Clarke's first priority. She doesn't care about destroying herself in the process. Your Hand In Mine Series By geralehane